29th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), VI Bomber Command, 6th Air Force

This home page is dedicated to the 29th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), a B-24 Liberator unit stationed in the Galapagos Islands, which served in World War II. The data was collected by Charles E. Meketa, Squadron Historian, and printed in 1992.

The 29th participated in anti-submarine patrols in the Caribbean, and the defense of the Panama Canal.

Additional information can be found in the book Alae Supra Canalem : Wings over the Canal : The Sixth Air Force and the Antilles Air Command by Dan Hagedorn.

A plaque honoring the 29th has been placed at the USAF Museum at Wright Patterson AFB in Dayton, OH.

Squadron History

NOV 1940 - 3 APR 1943

3 APR 1943 - 31 DEC 1943



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