VF-154 Black Knights Of The F-8 Era
World's Best Jet Squadron (WBJS): Fighter Squadron 154

To those shipmates who have sailed across the Great Divide:

Sandy Button
Edward Andrew Dickson
Dwight Glenn Frakes
Andrew Lee Furrer
J.H. Griffen
Kenneth Edward Hume
David Allen Kardell
Roy Lester
Peter Mongilardi, Jr.
D.H. Morris (not the Admiral)
Pete Peterson
W.M. Roarke
Kay Russell
Francis Xavier Timmes
E.B. Tucker
C.E. Wangeman, Jr.

Eternal Father, strong to save,
Whose arm hath bound the restless wave,
Who bid'st the mighty ocean deep
Its own appointed limits keep;
O hear us when we cry to Thee,
For those in peril on the sea.

Call sign "City Desk"

Tail Code NL

Now Hear This

(Click on "Now Hear This" to hear the Boatswain's Mate: recorded aboard the USS Coral Sea in 1965)

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ATTENTION ALL HANDS: If you have an interest in VF-154 or were once a member or knew a member, please leave your requests to find old friends, sea stories and contact information on our GUEST BOOK.

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Commanding Officers
Cdr. F.X. Timmes (Oct 1956 - Jun 1958) LCdr. R.B. Baldwin (acting; Jun 1958 - Oct 1959) Cdr. W.E. Hammett (Oct 1959 - 18 Jan 1960)
Cdr. C.B. Roberts

(18 Jan 1960 - Jun 1961)

Cdr. R.S. Hill

(Jun 1961 - Jul 1962)

Cdr. F.S. Peterson (Jul 1962 - Dec 1962)
Cdr. H.P. Glindeman, Jr.

(Dec 1962 - Dec 1963)

Cdr. W.H. Ellis

(Dec 1963 - Dec 1964)

Cdr. W.N. Donnelly

(3 Dec 1964 - Nov 1965)

DATES OF F-8 OPERATIONS: May 1957 - Nov 1965

MODELS OF F-8 EQUIPPED: F8U-1 (aka F-8A), F8U-1E (aka F-8B), F8U-2N (aka F-8D)


DATES: TO: CAG: Carrier/Location:
16 Feb 58 - 3 Oct 58 WestPac 15 - Cdr. George H. Mahler CVA-19 Hancock
1 Aug 59 - 18 Jan 60 WestPac 15 - Cdr. C.C. Sanders CVA-19 Hancock
19 Sept 60 - 1 June 61 WestPac 15 - Cdr. Jim Swope CVA-43 Coral Sea/CVA-16 Lexington
12 Dec 61 - 17 Jul 62 WestPac 15 - Cdr. H.P. Streeper CVA 43 Coral Sea
3 Apr 63 - 25 Nov 63 WestPac/Australia 15 - Cdr. Wayne E. Hammett/Cdr. W.R. Bascom CVA-43 Coral Sea
7 Dec 64 - 1 Nov 65 WestPac/Vietnam (first combat cruise) 15 - Cdr. H.P. Glindeman, Jr./Cdr. Peter Mongilardi, Jr. CVA-43 Coral Sea

SIGNIFICANT OPERATIONS: Laos Situation (BARCAPS south of Hainan-Do), 1961; Flaming Dart, Ever Ready, Quick Draw, Rolling Thunder, 1965 (fired USS Coral Sea's first shots in anger; these were the first raids on North Vietnam): Dong Hoi, Vietnam, 7 Feb 65; Chan Hoa, Vietnam, 11 Feb 65; Bach Long Vi Island, 26 Mar 65; Phu Van and Vinh Son, 16 Mar 65. VF-154 flew a total of 1,425 combat sorties in 1965. VF-111, aboard USS Midway (CVA-41), and VF-154, aboard the USS Coral Sea (CVA-43), were the only F-8D squadrons engaged in combat in Vietnam. The Sundowners and the Black Knights were also the only Crusader squadrons engaged in combat from other than an Essex-class ("27 Charlie") ship (USS Coral Sea, CVA-43, was a Midway-class ship). Coral Sea's combat losses on the 1964-65 cruise included twelve A-4s (Skyhawks, aka "Scooters", "Tinker Toys" or "Heinemann's Hot Rods"), two RF-8s (photo reconnaisance Crusaders), one A1 (Skyraider, aka "Spad" or AD) and six VF-154 Black Knights F-8Ds (Crusaders, aka "Last Of The Gunfighters"), for a total of twenty-one aircraft, not including operational losses. That 331 day deployment stood as a record until 1982. As a reflection of the pace of operations during that cruise, VF-154 had six first-tour aviators become Coral Sea Double Centurions.

Under construction. Foul deck. Waveoff, tank and go around.

Were you an F-8 Black Knight? Did you know one? Click here to E-mail the Page Watch Officer and have your name added to the Fighter Squadron 154 F-8 Era Roster (officers, enlisted, friends, and relatives are welcome!). Who knows, you may find old friends this way! Also, any information or pictures you supply for this web page will be greatly appreciated by all.

Please visit these other great Pages:

The VF-154 Forum

The Gunfighter's Site

USS Coral Sea Tribute Page

F8U-1 (F-8A) Crusader Page

traps since 21 Nov 1999

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