Masonic Poetry


Twentieth Century Elizabethan Sonnets

Between the Compass and The Square”

by Henry Lowick-Russell.

The Respectable Lodge of Investigation and Masonic Studies “Pentalpha” # 119 published a poetic unique piece in the world two years ago, work of one of its most outstanding members, Henry Lowick-Russell.

Henry Lowick-Russell’s work is an attempt to recover the pure English or Shakespearean form of sonnet, a return to the rhyme and traditional accentuation.

Author of more than thousand sonnets in English language, the author carried out a selection of his sonnets relative to the Freemasonry, under the title Between the Compass and The Square”, as homage to the accomplishment in Chile of the VII World Conference of Big Lodges.

The specialists' literary commentaries have indicated the high literary value of this beautiful work, unique piece in the world, which moves us to the recovery of its edition.

Certainly, his poetical conception only can be enjoyed in English, in spite of the edition has a translation to the Spanish, but as its author indicates, it is not a poetry.


The unique piece in the world.  



Henry Lowick-Russell is an outstanding Chilean mason, member of the Respectable Lodge of Investigation and Masonic Studies "Pentalpha" # 119. English teacher, poet and translator. He has written more than one thousand of sonnets in English language. Born in 1922. Initiated in the Lodge "Renacimiento" # 8, in 1956. In his Mother Lodge, was exalted to the Master's degree in 1961. In this he has performed as Librarian, Speaker and First Watchman.

Erudite mason, he has made important investigative works about doctrine and Masonic history, which have been published in “Pentalpha” Yearbooks.

In The Respectable Lodge of Investigation "Pentalpha" # 119 he has performed as Speaker and Court of Honor Member. In the year 2004, The Lodge “Pentalpha” published, across its series “Masonic Topics” the book Between the Compass and Th Square”, containing part of his poetical creation.  


Information and orders:     


Pentapha # 119

Marcoleta 659


Pentapha # 119

Casilla 2867


