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Daily Horoscopes

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

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Welcome to my world of Pagans and beliefs. Persecution of none, religion is our own choice.


Thirteen Goals of a Witch

I. Know yourself
II. Know your craft
III. Learn
IV. Apply knowledge with wisdom
V. Achieve balance
VI. Keep your words in good order
VII.Keep your thought in good order
VIII. Celebrate life
IX. Attune with the cycles of the Earth
X. Breathe and eat correctly
XI. Exercise the body
XIII. Honor the Goddess and God

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This Mystical Realms Pagan Web Ring site owned by Oceana.
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1. Why Wiccan?
2. What do I believe?
3. By the light of the silvery moon
4. By the light of the silvery moon
5. A candle burns for many reasons
6. Herbs that Heal
7. Herbs cont.
8. Fairies, Feys, Wee Folk
9. Sabbats and esbats
10. Most frequently used words
11. Meditation
12. Simple Spells
13. Incense
14. Stones and Gems
15. The altar
16. Consecrating of tools
17. Opening Circle and Closing Circle
18. Runes
19. Dream Realm
20. Creation of Humanity
21. A Wiccan Creation Story Creation
22. Reference & Reading List
23. Neverending Story written in parts by Gaia-Gates family list

Picture at top made by Jonathon Bowser.

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