The spectacular achievements of propaganda

Below you will find some of Carmelo's best journalistic articles dedicated to the manipulated truths that some news and PR organizations make. Some of these articles are in Spanish and no translation is available. All pieces, though, are described by a brief summary.

Burson Marsteller: PR for the New World Order:

A look at one of the most notorious spin doctors of contemporary history. It doesn’t matter how evil you are, Burson Marsteller will make you into a saint.

Corporaciones transnacionales usan Internet para desinformar


Though a powerful tool for the advancement of progressive causes, the multi-national corporations also uses the Internet to spread smear at those who oppose them (in Spanish).

Internet: activismo, humor e imaginación


A continuation of the above article.  Carmelo outlines the cunning cleverness of committed groups of cyber-activists.

Livin’ la vida comercializada


Everywhere, anyplace commercialization is part of our lives. ¿Aren’t you sick of it? (In Spanish).

This is only a small sample of writings. Carmelo has two online projects where he comments on the environment, biotechnology and other relevant subjects; please visit Carmelo’s blog and his bio-security project, as well as his Yahoo Group.

The Cornershag


Contact Carmelo