June XX, 2002
Youth Found Dead in Front of Library
-Minako Kazuhiko
Recently, police have discovered the remains of a teenage girl in front of the Hirokazu Public Library on June XX. The girl was identified by friends and family as Kimiko Tsugawa. Police are baffled as to the cause of death. There was no sign of a struggle or any apparent cause of death on the body of the victim. Dr. Souchirou Masami, a leadingdoctor in autopsy, says, "There is no logical reason for this girl to be dead. Everything, from her skin to her organs, are intact and in prime condition."
Professor Aya Asahina, a doctorate of psychology and urban lore, states her opinion in this bizzare case as being related to other localized deaths of children, teenagers, and adults. "Although not all of the deaths were as clean and flawless as this one, some actually fairly brutal, the fact is that there was always a common factor among these victims: each had on their phone record a call from an unidentified number. It seems logical to bring to mind the rumor among the local highschool students of the Joker and possibly answer the question of who is actually killing these individuals." The 'Joker' is a legend among the students of St. Maria's and Greystone Highschools. It is rumored that the curse of the Joker is a guaranteed way of solving any problem, even if the problem happens to be a person. The actual 'summoning' of the Joker is unknown, even to students who know of this rumor. Dr. Asahina speculates that the Joker, "Is an individual with a mental disorder. It is not uncommon for tragic or shocking events to trigger a response within the brain to protect itself. This individual may have heard of the Joker rumors and now has changed their once protective persona into a murderer."
Police deny that the Joker has anything to do with this mass of murders. Police Officers insist that the Joker is only an urban legend and that the public should not worry.
Friends of Tsugawa are stunned by her sudden death. "She was," Ryo Sakamoto, Tsugawa's boyfriend, states, "a truly beautiful girl. She was kind, well meaning, and generous to everyone. I can't see why anyone would want to murder her." Upon further investigation, police officers discovered a personal journal belonging to a fellow classmate detailing the strong dislike he felt towards Tsugawa. There were mentionings of the notorious Joker.
The police insist that there is no such thing as a Joker and that individuals should stay calrn and stay in pairs as much as possible. For more information, contact....
A picture of Kimiko Tsugawa before the accident