News and Updates

March 28, 2004-- Newness!

I've practically recoded the whole site. The links page has been updated. I fixed the broken links, added numerous new links, swiped a few gratuitous banners. I also tried to organize the links in some fashion, to make it easier to find what you are looking for.

*wanders off to write Chapter 18, in which there will be much slash*


March 25, 2004-- Back from the dead!

Well, I took an extended hiatus. For personal reasons, mostly, and because it felt like my muses had left me.

But, the good news is, I am back, and writing! I've added Chapters 15, 16, and 17 to the page, and added Sam Gamgee's family tree to the Family Lines Appendix.

Chapters 1-7 are up at, as well as a Pirates of the Caribbean Jack/Will piece I cranked out the other day, because after writing Chapter 17 of Wherever You Are Is Home, I desperately needed to let the slash out.

Both can be found here.

I have also been working on an original pirate!fiction piece, entitled Any Port in a Storm. Chapter 1 is up on at here, and Chapters 1-14 are on this website that I made for it.

Its good to be back!


March 31, 2003-- Not site related in the least.....

My country is currently at war.

Part of me thinks that Saddam Hussein is an actual threat, and part of me thinks that this is about oil and greed.

Perhaps it is a bit of both.

That being said, I will continue my fence-sitting, and leave the soapbox speeches and political posturing to those who are more informed, because despite the round-the-clock CNN coverage, very few American's have any idea what is really going on.

Nor will I waste bandwith with a lengthy rant on the virtues and/or shortcomings of Mr. Bush. At this point, whether I agree or disagree-- with Mr. Bush, or the war itself, matters not.

To me, what does matter is that young men and women from this country are off fighting this war, and some of them have died.

Some of them died at the hands of an Iraqi firing squad. They were first shot below the belt, and left in pain for ten minutes before finally being shot in the head.

Whether you are pro- or anti-war, servicemen and women dying is something that should not be ignored.

And as the daughter of a retired Navy man, who is thankful to various deities that he came home from World War II in one piece (enabling him to grow up and be my father), it is something that I will not ignore.

I have two close friends who are members of the Armed Forces. An Army Enlisted, and a Marine Reserve.


To date, they are both still in the country, but they have been told to be ready to be deployed at any moment.

Terrifying, that.

So please, if you could mention them to whichever God or Gods you speak with, this Took would be eternally grateful.

And if you have a friend or loved one involved in this war, please feel free to fire off an email in my direction. I would be more than pleased to drop a few names to my own Gods.

If only it was possible

In Frith,


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