November Wind
November wind
tugging my leaves
despite the blinding sun
November wind
You sting my skin
and bring the cold to come

I remember still
those summer nights
and the springtime of my days
Those memories
will stay with me
and warm me through this phase

The sky above
is streaked with gray
the supple leaf now withers
The coolness of
the rushing wind
once brought relief, now I shiver

November wind
Comes blowin' in
Ready or not, uninvited
With winter following
on its heels
My season's end I've sighted

Gray streaks transform
to silver snow
while color fades away
The frigid air
makes motions slow
and night outweighs the day

But be not sad
nor worrisome
for all of us have seen
the promise of
a life renewed
will follow in the spring
(c) 2005  Sheila W
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