Cody's Page

photo of Cody

Hi! My name is Cody and I'm the only boy in Mom's little menagerie.
I was born on September 30, 1996 and I'm a black and tan miniature dachshund. Well, I was supposed to be a miniature, but I'm a bit bigger than I should be. Not fat, mind you, just solid! I'm told that I'm a 'fine cut of a man'!!

I'm a wonderful dachshund, if I do say so myself. Mom tells me that I'm a gentle soul and I suppose that's true, but given that I'm surrounded by two girls like my sisters, a guy like me doesn't have much of chance, so for sheer survival, I just back off and observe all the goings on around me.

Actually, I love Abby and Heidi very much. Abby is my sleeping buddy - you can always find us curled up together. She hogs the covers at night, but I make up for it by taking up most of the couch!

Heidi is my play buddy. Boy, do we have fun! I start the game by taking one of her toys and running off with it. Of course, she takes off after me! The most fun part is when we hit the rug and go sliding into the kitchen cabinets!

My favorite things are eating, chewing Mom's shoes, guarding the house against the pesky cats in the neighborhood and chasing squirrels. The best times, though, is when we go for walks in the woods. I love running free and checking out all those wondrous smells! I'm a pretty good scout, too! Several times Mom was lost and I had to show her the right path to go home. She was pretty amazed!!

"I could GET that squirrel if Mom would let me off this leash!"

"I'm helping Abby guard the house!"

"Aren't I just the handsomest fellow?"

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