Hi! My name is Chicklet, but you can call me Chick. I'm a little gray tabby kitten, who just recently found a wonderful home!! Here is my story:
That morning, someone, I really can't remember who, dropped me off at a strange place. It wasn't a house.... people didn't live there, but lots of cars came and went. It was very cold and windy, and I was scared. I sat on the sidewalk and began to cry. I didn't know what else to do. Then I saw a lady standing in the parking lot by the building where I was sitting. She heard me cry, and came over to see why I was crying. I took one look at her and knew she was a kind lady, and that I wanted to go home with her!! She picked me up, and I immediately stopped crying, and began to purr as loud as I could. For extra measure, I began to lick her fingers and cuddle. I was using every bit of my charm to win her over. It worked!!! She talked to a man who was there, and he told her someone had just dumped me out. She was indignant! How could anyone drop off such a teeny baby? she wanted to know. The next thing I knew, we were riding away in her car. We went to a strange place, where she left me. The people there were nice and kept me till she came back. Then she took me to her home, and I have been here ever since! I have a brofur and sisfur, Caesar & Cleo. Caesar is just about used to me, but Cleo still hisses at me sometimes. I'll have to be extra nice to them, and win them over. I'd love to play with them.... my new mewmie is working on that. But for now, I'm just so glad to be here!! Except for the yucky liquid vitamins she makes me take.... bleah!! That is nasty! But she say it will make me grow up strong....well, I would hope it would do SOME good.... it tastes so bad!!

Cindy's story:
That Tuesday morning, Dec. 21, 1999, I was at work and noticed that one of my tires was almost flat. Since I had to go pick up the mail for work anyway, I just decided to leave and go get my tire fixed and get the mail, too. I went just down the street to a convenience store/tire repair garage. As I was waiting for the man to repair my tire (it had a nail in it), I heard this frantic "mew, mew!" like only baby kitties can cry. I looked around and saw this TEENY little kitty sitting on the sidewalk. I walked over and picked it up. It immediately started snuggling, purring, and to top it all off, it licked my hand!! The man who was fixing my tire then told me that it had been here since he got to work that morning....and apparently someone had just dumped it out. (ooohhhh!!! that makes me mad....) It was very windy and cold that morning, and I couldn't see just leaving the poor thing there. So I took it to my vet to check it out, and picked it up on my lunch hour. They told me it was a "she" and that she was only 8 weeks old. She was in fairly good health, except she needed some vitamins to help her gain weight and grow; and she had ear mites. So we got vitamins, ear drops and some kitten food. I brought her home to meet the other two kitties. At first, they were very offended that I would even think of bringing "that THING" in THEIR house.... but gradually, they have gotten used to her. At least there is no more snorting and snarling and screaming, like there was at first. They have pretty much become accustomed to her. She has the run of the house now, and has even won Cleo over.... they play chase up and down the hall! I have put up the first roll of pictures that I have taken of her -- they are posted here. She is a little doll, and was SO teeny when I first got her! She is beginning to grow some now.... You will love her when you see the pictures......

Chicklet has an Official Title in the house now -- Cuddlebug! She has even got a card to prove it .... look!!

Thanks for coming and visiting Chicklet's page.... come back again soon, 'cause there will be more and more pictures as time goes on -- LOL!!

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This page was created on Thursday, December 30, 1999.
Graphics created on Thursday, December 30, 1999 by JabulaniCat.
This page was last updated on Sunday, June 12, 2000.
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