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There used to be a time when I was an only child. I'd get a good bath and company would come over and I'd be the center of attention. I like being top dog!

The pictures on this page were taken on July 4 and I was wearing my hair in a top-knot for the very first time.Family came over for a cookout that day and ended up wanting to take lots and lots of pictures of me. I wiggled a lot, but they managed to catch me in some cute poses anyway!

*giggle* I gave Mommy quite a scare that week. It was so hot, trying to house break me was a real challenge. Nobody likes to sit outside for hours and hours waiting for a dog to take care of business when it's 106 and 108 degrees outdoors.

Welp! I love the outdoors. I want to chase cars and see all the kids and sniff every leaf in the yard and try to catch the squirrel who teases me every day. But, Mommy always says that terrible "s" word...STAY!!! And I stay in the house. This time, though, Mommy was on the telephone and stuck her head out to check on the mail. I bolted around her and ran down the street, but first thing I did was run out in front of a car that was coming. Mommy threw the mail and telephone down in the yard and started chasing me. Now, Mommy's no skinny thing and she is old enough to have grandchildren, so it took her about 30 minutes to get me to quit playing my funny game with her.

The game? Well, you let em get right up to you and you run again. *hehe* I'm surprised she didn't kill me! But, I'm better now. *smile*

Here are pictures they took of me on July 4. I had already grown a lot.








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Sassy's Very Own Home Page
Meet Benji Boy!
Benji and Me the First Day He Lived at *MY* House.
More Pictures from Benji's First Day
