Chelsea was an answer to our prayers. Asher had become increasingly destructive due to seperation anxiety and our hopes to get another dog was deterred by our fear of 'double trouble'. We visited the breeders in our state, discussing Asher's problems and just getting to see the beagles. Oh, how I resisted that temptation to abduct one! However, no one at that time was willing to give up any of their beagles. Secretly wishing for a female beagle to form a 'pigeon pair', I knew it was fate again when I saw that ad in the papers. I spoke to Shelley Rumble the next morning and realised the puppies offered are Asher's cousins (sired by Asher's uncle, Clarion Crushed Nuts) ! I begged for an appointment that day and imagine my delight when I was welcomed at the door with 3 beautiful puppies! Shelley and I spoke at length about the pups but I already knew which one I wanted. We went to pick Chelsea up the next week, and what a long week it was! We were initially worried about how Asher would accept his little sister - he was always the center of attention and we spoilt him rotten but his wonderful nature allowed him to not only accept Chelsea but to love and protect her as well. Chelsea learnt the rules and tricks much faster than we expected by mimicking Asher's movements and responses. Although similar in many beagle ways, their differences are blatant. Asher is more human-oriented while Chelsea prefers canine company. Asher is extremely (and only) food-motivated but Chelsea loses her attention easily. Asher is rugged and muscular whereas Chelsea is more pampered and frail. Chelsea is daring and curious but Asher is timid and submissive. Chelsea loves car rides while Asher gets sick. Chelsea likes to be cuddled to sleep whereas Asher hates to be disturbed if he's sleeping. These differences does not determine who I favour and they both know they're equally loved and special to me. Chelsea also bears a striking resemblence to Çhance, both in behaviour and temperament. Despite initial problems coping with both of them at home, I now have no regret getting her. She has provided Asher a long, loving companion and us, a beautiful daughter. Since her arrivial, my social life has elevated with friends coming over just to see her and play with her. Albeit all the attention she gets from us and visitors, Asher has never got jealous. Perhaps, he understands no one can resist such a beautiful puppy. Asher has never been territorial nor aggressive but the realisation that Chelsea is young and vulnerable has unleashed those instinicts in him. He has developed a strong sense of protectiveness towards her and me, yet retaining his gentle demeanour. I am glad that I was not deterred by my fears - Chelsea has been brought such joy and laughter into our home. It's true - what's better than a beagle is two!


Full name Tobarenny Tiptop Chelsea
Meaning of name "Port" in English
Date of Birth 23 February 1999
Color Tri
Nationality Australian
Dad & Mom Kian & Luwyn
Least Favored personality trait Independence
Most loved characteristic Intelligence
Most distinctive trait Oh, those beautiful eyes!
Most obvious physical flaw Bump on nose

Sulking in her playpen - 8 weeks

Her favourite play place - 9 weeks

Enjoying her first taste of soil/twigs/leaves - 8 weeks

Her favourite Nylabone - 12 weeks

Growing prettier everyday - 13 weeks

For more pictures, visit the Photogallery.

Created by Morta|siN