This is a tribute to all fellow IBARCers who have helped me in so many ways. For listening to my over-protective tendencies, answering all my queries and reassuring me that Asher isn't the only beagle getting into trouble, I thank you all. Asher and Chelsea must be happier dogs because of you!

This page is exclusive to IBARCers. Should any IBARCer want their page listed here, please send a mail via IBARC's mailing list with a relevant topic and I'd add you within 24 hours.

Listed are the homepages of the members of The Internet Beagle Aficionado Recreation Club (all of which are great!) so go see their just-as-cute Beagles!

*Beagles' names are listed in white*

Hounds & Pugs Galore - Katie Williams with Sally.

McGuigan Family Page - Christine McGuigan & Snoopy.

Wally's Neighborhood - Wally and Louie Loo Eye.

Beagleperson's Home Page - Christine with Bonkers & Pickles.

Home of the Hübinette's - Monica Hübinette and Sadie. [Come see our spoiled little doggie's page! She is a tri-colored beagle who has been a wonderful addition to our family. There are many pictures, links and information about our dog. Please come visit and tell us what you think!]

Beagle Homepage - Howard W. Knoebel with Molly, Peanut, Bridget & Popcorn.

The Weller Family Homepage - Heather & Gary with Vlad.

Hunter and Company - Jennifer and Hunter.

Ode to my Dawgz - Valerie Jenkins with Snoopy & Cali.

Emilee Patrick - Emilee and Teaghan & Seamus.

The Boulder Beagle Brigade - Nicole Muller with Algernon & Abigail.

Maple Ridge Beagles - Robin Wescher with Charlie, Ryan, Crystal & Solo.

Bailey's Place - Madlyn and Bailey.

Dindale's Page - Di with Dinsdale and Porter.

Gimmell's Homepage - Michelle Mitchel and Gimmell.

The Beagle Menagerie - Linda Cripps with Norman and Clifford.

Boofy Does Manhattan - Yvonne Ristich and Boofy.

Snoopy's Website

Spot's and Shasta's Page

Kita's Home Page - Jen William with Kita.

Daisy's Home Page - Anie and Daisy.

Canterbury Tails Art - Computer drawings by Sara Jensen. Check out her beautiful beagle drawings.

Chaucer - Sara Jensen with Chaucer.

Kanga - Teresa Stevensonwith Kanga & Milo.

Created by Morta|siN