Pookie's Friends' Cat Stories

maxi10 of http://www.ninemsn.com.au writes:
Once upon a time I went to the RSPCA in order to purchase a little kitten, alas, they were all gone. I thought I'd just have a look at the 'growed up furs' and then go home. It was not to be...I saw a little black pussycat with a little white on his chest ingoring everyone and he looked so miserable on that cold and rainy afternoon. So, I waited until everyone had gone from that particular cage and then went up to the little fella. I put my fingers through through the bars, expecting to have them bitten, and he turned around licked my fingers and started purring and talking to me it was as if he was saying 'please take me home, mum' and that's exactly what I did. He had been abandoned and abused, but still held on to the belief that someone would help him and love him and be his friend. From a frightened little pussycat to lord of his castle. We tell him everyday we love him and how he is the most special and most loved pussycat in the whole world. And by ! the way, puss, the float bowl I bought is Mine, as is the bed, the table, oh alright I'll share it with you.

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