Pekingese Dog 


Pekingese, breed of toy dog, which pawsoriginated in China about the 8th century AD. The Pekingese has a broad, massive skull, flat between the ears; a short, flat, black nose; a short, wrinkled muzzle; large, lustrous, dark eyes; heart-shaped ears; a long, soft coat; a thick mane that forms a ruff about the neck; bowed forelegs; and a tail that is set high.
It can be found in a variety of colors; the most frequent are fawn black, red, and parti-colored. The weight varies from about 2.7 to 6.4 kg (6 to 14 lb).In general the animal is characterized by courage, dignified bearing, good temper, and considerable stamina. The Pekingese was the pet of the Chinese aristocracy, particularly in the imperial household, and for a time was regarded as a sacred animal in China. The dog was first introduced in the West in the 1860s when British military officers took to
England four specimens they
found during the looting of pawsthe Imperial Palace, Beijing.

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