Would Jesus own a Rott?
                                  By Troy Kechely

             What kind of dog would Jesus have owned?  This query comes to mind.
                 Would it be big or small?  Like him, gentle, meek and kind?

            I know it would not have been a Rottweiler, for that is my particular breed.
               Why not a Rottweiler you say?  Let me explain and you will see.
            Jesus would not have owned a Rott, though he created and loves each one.
      His mission here would have been delayed, for a Rott would have given it's life for the Son.

      I know that Jesus would have enjoyed a Rott. Always at his side, never straying far away.
                  Unlike the Lords disciples. Its devotion would never sway.
               It would have kept him warm, sleeping next to him on chilly nights.
           Always showing its love for its master, even when things weren't going right.
                  It would not question or debate, nor ask for foolish things.
                   It would only look to the Lord to meet its basic needs.
           For the time that the Lord was here, the Rott would have never left his side.
                    Even if it had known, that the Lord came here to die.
             No a Rott would not have worked, its loyalty and commitment so true.
          For that night at Gethsemane, it would not have allowed the mob to get through.
            Without fear it would have fought, lashing at any who would venture forth.
       With courage, strength and determination.  It would not have allowed harm to the Lord.
                  If the Rott did not die right there then surely at the cross.
             Fighting every step of the way, never accepting the battle as being lost.
                    So together they would have died, up upon that hill.
                         Jesus and his Rottie, lying so very still.
                   But Jesus would not allow this, for he was to die alone.
           Allowing no one to fight for him.  For by his death he would bring us home.
             But if the Rottie died that day, I know that they would not long be apart.

    For on that third day in heaven, Jesus would have been greeted by the Rottie so dear to his heart.
                So Jesus would not have owned a Rott, or perhaps not any pet.
          For what he did he had to do alone. Giving his blood as payment for our debts.
          In conclusion I guess it doesn't matter, on what type of dog the Lord would own.
               As he created all of them, and he eventually calls all of them home.
               Looking back upon these thoughts, I have learned so much more.
             That I should live like the Rottie, that could have walked with the Lord.

