This yorkie page is dedicated to: Pinkie
rescued from a Tennessee Mountain Top "back yard breeder"

  Pinkie's story is a  little crazy and wild.  What I went through, for her is really pretty extreme. When I worked at the Animal Shelter, I was called about some people who lived on the mountain, who raised yorkies. They were as the caller said "had gotten into some trouble with the law and seperated and kind of left town suddenly".  The neighbors had no ideal they left a dog behind because they saw them selling them right before they left.  To their surprise one night they heard one barking. After checking the area they could not find one but every night they heard one barking and yelling. You can't even imagine, in your wildest dreams the shape this poor dog was in when I found her and might I add, two weeks had past since they had left. I went up there and went on the property, the grass was waist high there was no signs of life no water or electric. I looked and looked in the woods until I finally gave up and started to leave.  As I went to leave I decided to make one more last whistle and yell.  I  began to hear something making sounds.  I went back into the woods and followed the yelps there she was, in a home made rabbit cage like thing that was so small, with no top to protect her from the rain, just a cage.  Totally dehydrated, so flea infested her tiny body was reaping of bloody matts, she was so dirty she actually had cradle cap, not to mention the ring worm. There was a large cat food can in her cage, half full of live active maggots working, and the temperature was about 87 degrees that day. I took her immediately to the Vet.
Malnourished, dehydrated, anemic, wormy, so many fleas I don't know how they covered her 2 lb. body there were millions upon millions, I scraped them off with my fingernails as they ran over her body, eyes and where ever else they ran.  When we gave her a bath the water turned red from her body so badly bitten by them.  Her toe nails were so long they curled up into her feet and several were broken badly from hanging in the cage.
Now, 1 year later Pinkie is fine, she has been spay, she had to have 14 teeth pulled, she has plenty of teeth but the baby ones did not come out on there on.
She also had a hernia and it was removed.  Pinkie does not know she is so small she sleeps with Gypsy and I and she thinks she is a Rottewiler sometimes.  She is very attached to me,  I can not go any where in this house or out side without her by my side.

I am so blessed to have shared a part of my life with her..  Pinkie is very small, she is one of the smallest Yorkies I have ever saw, but has a big heart of gold. To this day we are unable to crate her for any reason, she never gets upset about anything except if you put her in a crate. So she is never crated and I hope and pray no situation ever comes up where she has to be put in another cage for any reason.

Pinkie 3-20-2000

Be sure to see all of our Awards, we are so proud of.


Yorkshire Terrier Breed Information

 Yorkshire Terrier Grooming


Pinkie  April 1, 2000



These beautiful graphics were made for Pinkey and myself.
Thank you so much Inge