PTO logo Pet Therapy of the Ozarks flying bird

Cats, rabbits and birds will be tested on the portions of this test that are applicable to that species. These pets will be subjected to intensive and repeated handling.

Current members must also apply for evaluation of additional pets.


Here is a brief overview of the testing program PTO has developed to determine if your pet can become a therapy pet. You will be asked to take your pet for a walk thru our community and demonstrate the skills needed for being a Good Community Citizen. Seven different stations will be manned by evaluators who appraise the handlers' and pets' ability to adapt to situations they will experience on a therapy visit. Your pet will be asked to walk on a loose lead, sit, down and stay during any of these stations.

Station One: "Walking Our Pet"   Owner and dog will begin walking their dog on a loose leash and will encounter moving people, alone or in crowds, dogs or other pets.

Station Two: "At The Park"   You will meet another dog and its owner and will exchange pleasantries.

Station Three: "At the Vet's"   You will meet a stranger who will examine your pet's hair, nails, and feet. Your pet must remain calm and not jump on the stranger.

Station Four: "At the Hospital"   You and your pet will meet a person reclining on a cot, using crutches, a walker or a wheelchair.

Station Five: "A Surprise"   The pet must pass a distraction such as a toy, ball or treat. They will also hear a loud noise.

Station Six: "Mental Health Unit"   You and your pet will approach and pass through a group of “patients” displaying behaviors consistent with those found in some facilities.

Station Seven: "Separation"   An evaluator will gently take your pet a short distance form the owner for a brief period of time.

For further information about the expectations at the Therapy Pet Evaluations, please send for a detailed brochure or ask for our information packet. You may email us or write to:

Pet Therapy of the Ozarks, Inc.
P.O. Box 9462
Springfield, MO 65801

You may also download an Application for PTO Membership or an Application for Therapy Pet Evaluation.