Last updated : Dec 20, 2005.  

MATH 1107*C   Linear Algebra 1

Linear Algebra and its Applications, by David C.Lay,  3-d edition, Addison-Wesley.

Ontario Grade 12 mathematic: Geometry and Discrete MAthematics; or an OAC in Algebra and Geometry, or   MATH 0107 or equivalent.
Note: students who do not have  the  appropriate prerequisite may be automatically deregistered from
the course during the term.

On the tutorial sessions the students are expected to work in small groups or individually on specific problems.  A Teaching Assistant (TA) will be present, to answer questions and to administer the tests. 
The class is divided according to the students' last names into the following tutorial groups:  

Family Name
Tutorial No.
Tutorial Room
TA's Name (last then first)
email address
 A - L
Tut C1
Faezeh R. Sadeghi
Tut C2
  Aliasgar AbdulKadir

Note:  This subdivision overrides the one on registration and is done to simplify the bookkeeping. All students are strictly encouraged to attend the group they are assigned to, due to the extreme shortage of sitting places in the classrooms. For those who violate this rule, the tutorial work will be counted as zero.


Your final grade for the course will consist of
(1) Term Mark 40%;
(2) Final Examination 60%.

Term Mark
There will be four 50-minute tests held in the regular tutorial hours; see the dates in the weekly plan below. Students are expected to take all 4 tests. The best 3 of the 4 will be counted to accomodate for some unforseen circumstances, such as sicknesses, family gatherings, religious holidays etc. There are no make-up tests. In case a student misses more than one test
due to illness (supported by a doctor's note), jury duty or extreme personal misfortune, the term mark may be pro-rated. Please see the instructor should such a case arise. It is your responsibility to pick up your marked test in the following tutorial hour.  

Final Examination
This is a 3- hour exam scheduled by the University. The exam is taking place during the period of April 10 - 22, 2006. It is each student’s responsibility to be available at the time of the examination. In particular, no travel plans should be made until the examination schedule is published.
 It is each student’s responsibility to find out the correct date and time of the exam and the room where it takes place. When the exam is written, the students are allowed to see their exam papers until May 15. This examination review is for the educational purpose only and NOT for negotiation of the grade with the instructor. Please remember that we do not change grades on the basis of your needs (such as scholarships, etc).  

Note: you must obtain at least 50% of total and at least 30% of the final exam mark to pass the course. Students who do not present any term work and are absent on the final examination will be assigned the grade of FND – “F ail No Deferral”. This means that the student is not eligible to write a deferred examination.

ONLY non- programmable calculators are allowed for tests and for the final exam.  Any programmable calculator will be confiscated for the duration of a test or the exam. I reserve the right to disallow any calculator.

Selected exercises, mainly from the text, will be posted on my web site.  These exercises are not to be handed in and will not be graded.  However, to succeed in the course it is absolutely essential that you do the exercises on a regular basis.

The last day for withdrawal from the course is March 10, Friday.

The Tutorial Centre (1160 HP, in the tunnel)
This is a drop-in centre providing a one-to-one tutorial service for Q-year and first year students on a
"first come first serve" basis. It is open starting TBA, at the following hours:
Monday to Thursday:  10:00 - 16:00.

Students with disabilities requiring academic accommodations in this course are encouraged to contact the Paul Menton Centre (500 University Centre, phone 520-6608) to complete the necessary forms. After registering with the Centre, make an appointment to meet with me in order discuss your needs at least two weeks before the first in-class test. This will allow for sufficient time to process your request. Please note the following deadline for submitting completed forms to the Centre for formally scheduled exam accommodations: March 10.

   Course Outline
Tutorials and Tests

 Jan 4 - 6
 1.1, 1.2
Systems of Linear Equations. Elementary Row Operations. Echelon Forms. Row Reduction. Parametric Descriptions of Solution Sets.
Jan 9 - 13
1.2, 1.3
 Existence and Uniqueness Questions. Vector Equations. Linear Combinations. Spans.
 Jan 16 - 20
1.4, 1.5 
The Matrix Equation Ax = b. Existence of Solutions.Solution Sets of Linear Systems. Homogeneous and Nonhomogeneous Systems.
 Jan 23 - 27
Test #1
1.7, 1.8
 Linear Independence. Introduction to Linear Transformations.
 Jan 30 - Feb 3
 1.9, 2.1
The Matrix of a Linear Transformation. "One-to-one" and "Onto" Mappings. Matrix Operations.
 Feb 6- 10
2.2, 2.3
 Inverse of a Matrix.The Invertible Matrix Theorem.
 Feb 13 - 17
 Test #2
 3.1,  3.2
Feb 20 - 24
No classes

  Feb 27-Mar3
2.8, 2.9
 Subspaces. Dimension and Rank. 
Mar 6 - 10
Test #3
 5.1, 5.2, 5.3
Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues. The Characteristic Equation. Diagonalization. 
Mar 13 - 17
Appendix B, 5.5
Complex Numbers. Complex Eigenvalues. 
Mar 20 - 24
Test #4
6.1, 6.2
Inner Product. Orthogonal Sets. 
 Mar 27 - 31
Orthogonal Projections. Review.

The above week by week schedule is subject to a change depending on the progress of the course .