The Hitec HS-55 Can be modified for continuous rotation.  Yes, the manufacturer says it can't be done and even the guys at the hobby shop say it's not possible but it is.  It's not easy, but it's possible.  Here's how 
Pull the gears off and the circuit board out.  Remove the screw holding the Pot in. 
Remove the 4 screws on the bottom.
We will be relacing the pot with this resistor array.  It's 4 resistors soldered together in series.  Be sure to get 1/8 watt resistors since space is tight.  Solder the resisors configured like this
Pull the pot out and unsolder the wires from the board and from the pot
We need to make the pot able so spin 360.  First, remove the retainer clip and slide the shaft out
Solder them on the board like this
Cut away the plastic stops around the center terminal
Brake off the brush arms.
See the stop tab on the iner hole where the splines go through. You need to grind that off.
Now put the pot back together and make sure it spins all the way around
Reasseble the servo and you're done.  If you would like to see this servo in action as a continuous rotation click here.
If you have any questions please email me at