Gem & Soul Table · Side Quests Walkthrough

Thanks for visiting this part of my website. Here you will find different kinds of information about Summoner 2 for the PS2. There is a GC version but I did not get that version. So if you own a Game Cube and hope to find information about your version here may not be the best place to look. I suggest trying They have some good walkthroughs by different people. Anyway back to my website. The information provided is meant to be easy to understand and quick to obtain the information you need. If you have any problems at all in the understanding of any page on my whole website, not just here, you can contact my via e-mail. Just click on the link to the side and you will be given the information to contact me. Below are pictures of all the characters in the game so look at them if you want to. Enjoy this part of my website and I hope you decide to come here more often for your gamming needs. Thanks again.

Playable Characters
Maia - Queen of Halassar
Sangaril - Munari Assassin
Neru - Pirate Capitan
Morbazan - Gladiator
Taugis - Galdyren Knight
Iari - Unseen Machine
Krobelus - Hierophant of Urath