PHIL, the Victorious
A Writer and Advocate
I grew up in Monrovia under the sounds of bullets and learned to ask "why?", but then discovered that noone tells you the answers to such questions. Because of this I decided to find out for myself by getting involved in advocacy and interacting with those with whom the greatest  responsibilities and duties regarding Liberian Children  fell. Consequently I have been meeting Liberian leaders and decisionmakers since 1997 and played a crucial role in the signing of the partnership between Unicef in Liberia and the Children's Parliament of my country.
Phil Dixon
Aug 29,1985
Began advocacy:
Nov. 1995
Present affiliation:
World Advocacy Campaign, Alternative Magazine, others
A word of his:
It is anticipated that you make each day of the rest of your existence a living monument to the human spirit and its unyielding desire for freedom, fellowship, and fulfillment.
Kai Dunna
Garmondeh Clinton
Liberian Children's Parliament
What motivates me:
I believe that the change I desire is worth working for. I hope that the effort I make will bring that change closer. I know that life is one long opportunity to  work in reducing the pain of  mankind.
Message for the Day:
Today, the world faces an unprecedented opportunity as mankind continues her search for the true nature of humanity, a nature in which goodwill triumphs and evil is subdued.
That opportunity is the fact that you are around and can do something to forward that search. Mankind has never achieved anything without there being a critical mass of individuals committed to the realization of change. I hope you can take the challenge and make advocacy a part of your life. Better still, if you have the ability to make the life of a person or a group more bearable, please do it.
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or call: +231-04-721866