
Welcome to our class website! Feel free to browse and email me at if you have any questions

A note to Parents,

Feel free to browse this site to see what we are doing during class. There is a copy of the syllabus for your child's class and school calander and you are welcome to email me with any questions about what we are doing. Feel free to ask me about your child's progress, and there is general information on whole class progress on the page for your child's class. I also have the online list of previous and current assignments for your child's class. Please feel free to email or call me if you think your child needs additional help. Remember, if your child has missed more than 3 assignments in 2 weeks, I will call home or email to keep you informed. End of Course tests are coming up soon, and I am offering help sessions after school. Students can ride the activity bus home as long as they let me know the day before. Thank you for working together with me to help our students.

Ms. Phelps

Here are some links you may find useful:
