Time to catch up

Phil and Yoko's "adventures" in New Zealand... (Yoko laughs)

The year has flown by so here are the high lights (?) just to help you keep in touch. Yoko and I would love to hear from you too. Contact details at the end.

Now to the NEWS

Machiko and Nathaniel have both had great years at school. Their reports were excellent. Machiko is also in the choir and has sung at a couple of concerts with her group. She has also been on a school camp, being away from us for 4 days (3 nights) which was a great experience for her. Nathaniel tends to be quieter in class but doesnft leave his presents unknown. Though they have had a tough time with becoming confident in specking in class in English they are both determined to try.

Machiko has also become very confident in swimming and just recently Nathaniel has managed to learn to ride a bike, without trainer wheels. We can see how the two years since we left Japan can most markedly be seen in the childrenfs growth and development. Machiko is now 10 and Nathaniel, 7 years old.

It was a blessing for Yoko and Machiko to both be baptized in July. We were all very impressed with how well Machiko spoke about her desire to be baptized in front of the whole church, Yoko also.

Phil has enjoyed working in steal fabrication, semi-heavy industry building trailers for road transporters. The new manager introduced a 'Team Leadership' self management system which meant Phil was promoted to one of the newly available positions. He received a suitable compensation for the new responsibilities, though only having three men in his team. The new position wasn't to last long however as another executive manager decided to also make some changers, closing the nightshift and causing further upheaval with integrating the nightfs staff onto the day shift, Phil has to succeed his position for one of the night team leaders to take it over. Though Phil has kept his pay rise he has had his 'ups and downs' and now has a very indifferent attitude to work. The manager who introduced the scheme has himself been 're-deployed' and yet another production manager has been employed. Confused? Phil and the rest of the factory staff are also.

Both Phil's parents are in their 70's now and have been doing very well until this year his dad has suffered a couple of angina atacks so he is taking things a lot more quietly now. His mum will go into hospital soon in the New Year for a polyp to be removed.

Yoko's parents seem to be well. It is difficult to know now that we can't visit them and see for ourselves. Yoko's mum doesn't talk for long on the phone but she does send us packages every couple of months and there is always a short letter in that.

Sadly, Les, our brother in-law died suddenly in April. Though he hadn't been so well and had lost a little weight, it wasn't till after his death that we learned he died due to the cancer he had. Phil's sister, Christine and their three children have done their best to come to terms with life without Les but as he always loved a party and was a loving easy going person he has left a big gap in many of our lives.

It seems we have had a lot of good fortune to meet a lot more Japanese. We have even met a couple who share our names, another Yoko and Phil. Also a couple of older ladies, one who has lived in New Zealand for the past 50 years and another who has taken New Zealand citizenship as her son also lives here in NZ and have no close relatives in Japan. More recently we have met a NZ-Japanese couple who have just come to NZ to live for a while. We often visit Lindsay and Filomena Woodfield, who we knew in Japan too...And there are also other friends who have an interest in Japanc which all helps us to feel more at home.

YWAM never seems so be far from our attention. We went to 2 days of last years 'In Touch' camp where we met Peter Jordan, who we met and got to know over the many trips he made to Japan to teach. There are many people in the church we attend who have experience YWAM and again this year we are going to Matamata for the full five day In Touch camp. This will give a real chance to rest as it will be fully catered and enjoy the fellowship.

As for planed for 2006. Phil will continue to work. And later in the year we are planning to make a visit to Japan, to see family and catch up with all those friends we have there. The children are naturally very excited.

We wish you all the best in the new year

In His grace,

Phil and Yoko Peat

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