FCCJ ESOL Level 200 Student Internet Assignment:
Lesson 5

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Weekly E-mail Topics: 1. What are you going to do this weekend?

2. What will you do this weekend?

Write one paragraph for each topic with at least five sentences.

Send the e-mail to: cmrifkin@hotmail.com

Internet Assignment October 10, 2001

Visit the following the following web sites and follow the directions.

Fire Safety Week

Fire Safety Week

This page is designed for children, but you can test your knowledge of vocabulary, fire saftey, and how to get out of a fire in your home.

Family Fire Safety

Have a Safe "Fire Safety Week" October 8-14, 2001.

Weekly Grammar Practice


Going To

Grammar and Punctuation Words

Short Answers

Verb Choice

Verb Form 1

Verb Form 2

Some, Any, or No

Almost, Almost All, Most of

Tell or Say

Their, There or They're

The 3 Bears Mystery

What is the Correct Form of the Word?

What's It Used For?

See you in class tomorrow. We will continue with modals, immediate future, and simple future.