All Students:

Each visit to Mrs. Rifkin's Homepage, please sign the "GUEST BOOK".

This will allow me to check that you have been to the computer lab class each Wednesday.

Thank You!

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Sign-Up for E-Mail

If you already have an e-mail address go to Step 3.

If you need an e-mail address follow Steps 1-3. FREE E-Mail

1. Click on NEW USER

Follow the directions at

2. Record your e-mail address and password in a safe place.

3. E-mail Assignment #1:

A. Write an autobiographical paragraph in an E-mail format.

B. Print a Copy of your E-mail before you send it. Put it in your notebook in the computer section.

C. Send it as an E-mail to:

D. Check your E-mail account next Wednesday for your corrections and response from Mrs. Rifkin. Print a copy of this E-mail for you notebook.

Grammar Quizzes

Keyboard Symbols


Periods, Question Marks & Exclamation Marks

Reflexive Pronouns

Past and Present Tense

Famous People - A Quiz on Articles

Go, Goes, Going, Went or Gone

Crossword Puzzle: English Words from Other Languages

Rosetta Stone

There are four basic skill areas in the Rosetta Stone Program:

1. Listening

2. Reading

3. Speaking

4. Typing

ESOL 600 will complete the following Tutorials: 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19.

Since you are working in the Guest Mode you will have to record your scores on the Rosetta Stone Checklist in your notebook.

Today we will begin Tutorial Lesson 15. You will need a score sheet to record your progress. You will number the Tutorial as Number 15. You may work at your own pace. Just remember to record your progress on your score sheet. Please note that you will have to log on as a guest.