All Students:

On each visit to Mrs. Rifkin's Homepage, please sign the "GUEST BOOK".

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1. Click on NEW USER

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2. Record your e-mail address and password in a safe place.

3. Check last week's e-mail for corrections. Print a copy for your notebook.

4. Send Mrs. Rifkin an e-mail:

5. Weekly Topic: Choose a Journal Topic from your text on page 108.

Place the Title and your full name on the subject line of the e-mail.

Send the E-mail to Mrs. Rifkin:

FCCJ ESOL Level 600 Student Internet Assignment 07/03/02

The Fourth of July
Cultural Information

Independence Day Page

US Symbols Matching Game

Send An Independence Day Musical Postcard

Click on On-Line Quiz

4th of July Information

Declaration of Independence Page

Independence Holiday Webpage with Music

Flag Jigsaw Puzzle

HAVE A HAPPY and SAFE 4th of JULY!!!

Congratulations to Brazil!
World Cup Soccer Winners

Soccer in Brazil

Information About Brazil

Carnival in Brazil

Grammar Quizzes


Writing Quiz 1

Writing Quiz 2


Closest Meaning

Table Manners

Identify Parts of Speech


Rosetta Stone

1. Follow Directions from class lecture.

2. Record your scores on the Rosetta Stone Checklist.

3. Try to practice different skill areas.


Wordmiester: Internet Words

Hangman: Verbs

Word Search (Click New Game)

Word Scramble: Randomly Chosen Words

Copyright 2002 by CMRifkin