All Students:

On each visit to Mrs. Rifkin's Homepage, please sign the "GUEST BOOK".

This is the way that I can check to see if you have read the web page assignment for the week.

Thank You!

[ Sign my Guestbook] - [Read my Guestbook ]
[Guestbook by]

Sign-Up for E-Mail

If you already have an e-mail address go to Step 3.

If you need an e-mail address follow Steps 1-3. FREE E-Mail

1. Click on NEW USER

Follow the directions at

2. Record your e-mail address and password in a safe place.

3. Check last week's e-mail for corrections. Print a copy for your notebook.

4. Send Letters of Acceptance or rejection based upon your company's hiring decision:

5. CC Mrs. Rifkin.

Place the Title and your full name on the subject line of the e-mail.

Send the E-mail to Mrs. Rifkin:

FCCJ ESOL Level 600 Student Internet Assignment 07/17/02

Keep two windows open with my homepage on one. If you get lost, you can start over again on the second window.


TOEFL Practice Links

To help you prepare for the CPT-L Structure and Reading Tests you can try these practice On-Line TOEFL like questions.

Practice TOEFL QuestionsClick on Begin Exam. You should allow yourself over 1 hour or more to complete this on-line practice exam. You will be able to answer the listening questions from reading the scripts.

Vocabulary PracticeYou will have to give your hotmail e-mail address to register and take these practice questions. On the reading section you will have to choose a reading speed. The computer will automatically give you text at the reading speed you select.

TOEFL Structure #1

TOEFL Structure #2

TOEFL Structure #3

TOEFL Structure #4

TOEFL Structure #5

TOEFL Structure #6

TOEFL Structure #7

TOEFL Structure #8

TOEFL Structure #9

TOEFL Structure #10

TOEFL Structure #11

TOEFL Dialogue Practice

9 Different TOEFL Practice Quizzes
Follow the directions on this page.

TOEFL Reading Practice

The answers are on a link at the bottom of each reading selection.







SAT and Vocabulary Practice Links

Free Printable Word List with SAT Vocabulary.You can print this list out.

Practice SAT On-Line TestYou will have to register to get a password. On the section for High School Graduation date, click "this doesn't apply to me". Write down your account information and password so that you can return at a later time to complete your test.

SAT and ESL PreparationYou will have to register to get a password. Write down your account information and password so that you can return at a later time to complete your test.