Pane, pojdte si hrat
Pane, pojdte si hrát, 1965-1973

Obsah/ Komentář:

Actually these are two serials but the later episodes (7-11: 1970-1973) are only continuation with same characters etc. Serial about two bears. One big and one small, and all they make only nonsense all the time. Parts of the serial were short to see at the Václav Gajer Film "Na pytlacke stezce".

Díly: (12-19 minutes)

1. Potkali se u Kolina
2. Jak jeli k vode
3. K princeznam se necucha
4. Jak jedli vtipnou kasi
5. Drzte si klobouk
6. Jak šli spát

7. Co to bouchlo?
8. Psi kusy
9. O pardalu ktery vonel
10. A nerikej mi Vasiku
11. Nazdar, kedlubny

Namet: Ivan Urban, Bretislav Pojar
Rezie: Miroslav Stepanek, Bretislav Pojar
Animace:Boris Masnik
Kamera: Vladimir Malik
Hudba: Wiliam Bukový

Komentař: Rudolf Deyl (1-6), František Filipovský (7-11)

Articles about serial:

Dušek, Martin: Pane, pojdte si hrát. Premiere 4/2001, s. 160-161.

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