







April 12th, 2003

To the edge of the events

The depredators of the alliance mounted and directed by the gringos, considered they won the war against Iraq and consider that Saddam's regime has fall 21 days after the Iraq's invasion. The crows of the axis Paris-Berlin and the western mass media surrendered before the " evidence " and echoed the gringo " victory " at the same time that all, one way or another, claim their part in the booty under the euphemism of "humanitarian aid" or "Iraq's reconstruction". The frontiers between the alliance for the war and the coalition of countries and political parties for the peace are very permeable.

We will advance a hypothesis that will probably become real. The first thing that insistently arouses the attention in these more than three weeks of military campaign is the systematic way that the republican watch's units have been avoiding the open confrontation with the invasive forces. The last number of prisoners and dead men of the special units of Iraq given by the gringos confirms the strategy of Saddam to avoid the definitive battles. There is another important fact that was there in Iraq and that suddenly has vanished: the republican watch's divisions and the special units have disappeared by magic art.

This has been a war (sic) with a media dimension and a gigantic emotional load. Trying to find in the mass media an objective analysis of this invasion is more difficult than to look for a needle in a haystack.

Now all wonder where Saddam is, also the CIA. But they doesn't go further (not the CIA certainly); they look for the holder or the information that impacts and retains the spectators attention of this invasion. The "media" are making of Saddam an Arab Pimpinela, role that doesn't displease the Iraqi autocrat.

There is no doubt that Saddam is a murderer and a dictator. He is a product of the late capitalism and harassed by the big powers by the strategic position of the Iraq and its immense oil stocks; just so murderer that any leader of the retarded or advanced capitalism. They are model children of a cruel and murder capitalist system. But Saddam is not an idiot neither a suicide. It does not have any importance where he is. What it is important is the war plan that he had been able to elaborate and that will be developed inexorably, alive or dead. Some days before the invasion a Saudi leader noticed that to attack Iraq was "to open the hell doors ". It is possible that the gringos have fallen in the trap that Saddam put to them Saddam learned certainly from the experience of its error of the 91. He was able to save his regime but he knew that that was not more than a truce.

According to that he manoeuvred with ability and he agreed with France, Germany, Russia and China signing fabulous contracts for the exploitation of their petroleum stock. Saddam could not ignore that those contracts would accelerate the gringos' aggression, knowing that the attacks of September 11th were the work of the North American capitalism to make sure the people's opinion in the new war stage were prepared. Saddam could not have hopes that the support of the axis Paris-Berlin would liberate him from the invasion. He knew very well their new allies and he reminded his 91 error believing that the gringos and their allies would turn a blind eye to the invasion of Kuwait in payment to the warring services that he had rendered them.

Saddam has taken care very well of winning the mondial public opinion by active or passive way. The effort so constant and ímeticulous that he has developed in this sense responds more to a plan of great reach and long duration than to a short war. All the data and signs take us to the conclusion that Saddam and their consultants knew perfectly that they were not able to stop or to win the aggression war that the gringos prepared. It is also necessary to keep in mind that Saddam these last years knew not only to take advantage of the Islamic current that supported him in the called Gulf War in spite of his laic state, but rather he headed the most radical Islamic movement. But Saddam, a cold calculator, didn't plan to immolate himself for the Islam but to take advantage of it in a calculated and rigorously elaborated plan.

The history is a great teacher. In the Saddam's plan some big historical lessons have had to weigh vastly that already appear slightly reflected and carefully dissembled in his strategy during these three weeks of rolling gringo military campaign, as the Russian strategy of retreat and pursuit to the Napoleon's army and mainly the Algiers' Battle. Saddam has only reveal the end of his plan: that Iraq will be the tomb of North Americans. Saddam´s assurance and insistence can seem a bluff. But when you already see the end of that military campaign without apparent signs of such a sentence, by force it is necessary to wonder: are the trees of this invasion hiding us the true war that won't take a lot to begin?

Everything seems to indicate that the end of the military campaign for the Iraq's invasion will open the Pandora's box of in Iraq and in the entire world "for earth, sea and air" like Saddam promised not many days ago. In Iraq there are more than enough well prepared people willing to carry out a guerrilla's war and with all material means at their disposal. No matter how much we imagine what will be able to suppose in the practice that armed movement, we will always stay short and with many gaps. Their high military technology will serve little to the gringos in front of invisible enemies willing to die. In fact Saddam has already announced that way of fight but almost everybody has related it with the period of this quick military campaign.

If we keep in mind that the gringo aggression is determined by the terminal crisis of the capitalism (on this topic we remit yourselves to Robert Kurz's recent article "The mother of all the battles") it is certain that a widespread chaos situation in a large part of the world will accelerate the USA economic crisis, what will drag to the ruin in the first place the other countries; in particular the European Union that economically can't avoid that when Wall Street sneezes, it catches a pneumonia and lethal this time. This is the situation the humanity probably will face in some weeks or few months when it begin to arrive the caskets of their dead soldiers in all the combat and chaos fronts opened to open the Pandora's box; all this in a regular and not tolerable way for the North American and English people, and less for the capitalist stock exchange,true artificial lungs for the current industry.

In any event, although this hypothesis didn't clot amply at the moment, the reality is that the capitalism has arrived at that final stadium in which it cannot live without the wars that feed new wars and new resistances that will change the whole world panorama at the same time that the capitalist system disintegrates amid a great chaos. In these moments the army career in the entire world is unstoppable. That career is the fuel that capitalism needs; it is the oxygen ball of the dying capitalism. The wars are good for the depredators and the crows of this system, as well as the unavoidably terrorist and clandestine answer of those attacked that suffer a criminal terror and the chaos and the misery carried along with. The Pandora's box of the capitalist beast has been open and very open.

The movement for the peace, in spite of the "tactical folds" of France and Germany, continues being manipulated by these countries, and fed very particularly by the German social democracy that needs to install in Spain government the socialist party to sum up the hegemonic dreams of revenge of the leaders from that country. The whole graveness of the international situation is demanding a radical turn of all the mass movements that allows them to face the number one enemy of the humanity: the capitalist system. This won't be possible without breaking up the links with all the political parties and all the organizations emanated from the capitalism that, in one or another way, serve it submissively and "critically".

In these moments, the great tradition of assembly of self-organisation and self-management of the workers and the widest masses are fundamental in the way that it is necessary to open up the humanity's social emancipation. The political parties and the leaders, of any colour, are only an emanation from the capitalist system that impedes the humanity's liberation.

The wars are the capitalism work! Down the capitalism!

Comunistes de Catalunya: m.vallseca@telefonica.net