Stopping Flamingo Abuse
If you see a Pink Flamingo being abused, it is your duty as a human being to stop the abuse!  Studies show that most serial killers started abusing Pink Flamingos, then moved up to killing bugs and so forth.  If we can break the cycle of violence, the world will be a better place for all our children......
Step 1
Scream as loud as you can.  This startles the abuser.

Step 2
Rush up, throw something hard, do anything you can do to distract the abuser.

Step 3
Grab the Pink Flamingo and RUN!

Step 4
Bring the Pink Flamingo to the Pink Flamingo Sanctuary for rehabilitation.  You may want to consider seeing a therapist to work through the feelings you experienced in your role as a rescuer. 

Step 5
Be on the lookout for the abuser getting another Pink Flamingo.  Abusers typically keep buying them, only to abuse them more.  If so, repeat steps one through 5 until the abuser gets the message.
These 2 resident Pink Flamingos were stuffed into a tiny box, barely able to move.  They were left like that for days... it was only the quick actions of a Pink Flamingo Lover that saved their lives!  Look at them now, enjoying life!!!!
These Pink Flamingos were left out all winter, and all their pink color faded to pasty white. We consider them Differently Abled!  We love each White Flamingo equally!
Rocky came to us a victim of an owner who had poor morals.  He had developed severe behavioral problems, and was deemed unadoptable.  He will have a permanant home here at the Pink Flamingo Sanctuary.