Resident Pink Flamingos
This is our main flock of Rescued Flamingos.  You can see we have gone to much expense to create a lush tropical environment to enable the Pink Flamingos to feel at home.  We keep our Pink Flamingos in compatible flocks, ensuring that each one gets the individualized attention they so deserve.  Our Pink Flamingos love the water, and we love watching them enjoy the bright sun and fresh breezes like Mother Nature intended.

This is the way Pink Flamingos should live.
This is Greta and Herbert, a bonded pair of Pink Flamingos.  While they have been spayed and neutered to ensure no nasties occur at the Sanctuary, Greta and Herbert still love to sneak away to the water's edge to enjoy some quality time together... what sweet little lovebirds!
Willie and Bertha, another bonded pair of Pink Flamingos, are shown here sneaking off into the forest for a little quality time together.  I apologize for the poor quality photo- this was taken from quite a distance.  Willie and Bertha were so abused that they shun all contact with humans.  Sadly we cannot pet and play with them, but we know that they are happy living at the sanctuary.