click on each image to view full size... =)
val, me, and lindsey.. the little girl is alexandria.. right jason ;-) ?
linda, heather.. and i.. lookin cute as always..
somebody, lara, somebody, mckenna, and linda.. i am so bad with names!
brett! no explanation necessary!!!
brett's special license plate.. look closely at this.. lol
ok, who does this remind you of?? no! its kent carolus! NOT burton hatt!!! SCARY ISN'T IT?!?!? they even act alike.. aghhhh
michelle, somebody, jenna, somebody, and somebody else.. haha
the lovely sheila lindberg..
the lovely ladies heidi, alyse, and tawnya
tyler and chelsea.. these cuties slept next to us in the nursery.. lol
random porsche some guy at conv. owned.. lol
ruth strickland and i! sooo good to see her again!
blank, mckenna, linda, me, blank, ruth
a wicked cute baby.. don't ask me whose.. haha
i forget her name too.. agh.. and heather mountain!
brett, colin, kyle, and jason..lookin good boys!
several shots in rapid succession of the young kids that managed to assemble for the photo.. lots more were there too!
beeeeauuuuutiful mustang coupe.. prolly 68? 69? help me out, dad! lol
haha testing to see if my camera was working.. lindsey was having issues.. ben jacques
our little posse by the river.. we got food at subway and came down here sunday...
had fun watching the wakeboarders..and skiers.. keep falling.. muahaha.. good times