A note to anyone wanting to steal my fanfics: it won't work. My stuff is too original. Everybody will know your copying me, and then you'll just look silly. Ps, if anyone out there ever hears of a fanfic called "The Pink Sugar Heart Saga, its mine. Please let me know!

Behold! "Chibi Usa's Literary Tour" (or, A Series of Crossovers that Should Not Happen.) A happy, mostly deathless story about Setsuna reading to Chibi Usa on a rainy day. Setsuna-lovers, beware. You will not like some of this content!

Chibi Usa's Literary Tour!

Pinkassic Park! True Sporific deathfic at its finest! Mostly everybody dies... its delightful really. I'm sort of spoofing Jurassic Park, no wait, I'm really spoofing Jurassic Park, oh well, enjoy!

Pinkassic Park!

See the pictures...

The Pink One! An short Sailor Moon/Buffy crossover with an interesting theory on the origins of Chibi Usa...

The Pink One!

Coming soon...
"The Pink Sugar Heart Saga Part 2" &
"Three Guardians of the Moon Gruff"

Special thanks to Lianne Sentar, who originally inspired my extremely wacky fanfics! Hers are even better!
Check out her page!