
biography01.jpg - a pic of Yoshiki in junior high and senior high

Yoshiki had pretty good influence and background musically. His mother was a piano teacher and taught Yoshiki how to play when he was 4 or 5 years old. He played brilliantly. (yada, yada, yada. like we all don't know. ^^)

Yoshiki turns 8 or 9 when tragedy struck the Hayashi household. Mr. Hayashi, Yoshiki's dad, commited suicide due to a financial problem. He was a business man working in a small company. He was 34 years old when he died.

Mrs. Hayashi then takes charge of the 3 of them remaining Hayashis, herself, Yoshiki and his bro. They survived, luckily, or the legend of X Japan would have never existed... Yoshiki wasn't very good with his health and became a big problem for the struggling family. (you need $$ to go see a doctor) So, what did Mrs. Hayashi do? She took a lot of her savings and bought Yoshiki a drumset. The drum playing creates a lot of exercise for Yoshiki and exercises are good for your health.

Then Yoshiki went to high school. With Toshi. Toshi has always been a family friend since preschool. Unlike Toshi, Yoshiki was what you called a 'problem-kid'. he creates the trouble around school and gets bad grades. Toshi on the otherhand was an A student. (can't say about straight A's ^^;;;)

Somehow Yoshiki graduated. He and Toshi... well more Yoshiki, was into creating bands. Both boys love KISS, a very popular heavy metal band in America which was believed to be the greatest influence ever on X. Yoshiki, developing into a workaholic, created a band of Toshi as vocals, Yoshiki as drummer and leader and Taiji as bassist.

No guitarists, how are they going to manage a band? They were falling apart until Yoshiki phoned Hide. Hide first said no to Yoshiki for being a guitarist in his band but agreed at the end. Pata joined a bit later and X's legend began.

They were going to have their own album (they had only been in some compliation albums) but no one wants to record them! In rage, Yoshiki created his own label, Xtasy. With help from Toshi of course, Yoshiki's old best friend. Toshi almost fought with his family to get the money. Mrs. Hayashi was always supporting in whatever his son does. She was a main supporter of Xtasy too. Their first album was a great hit. And so was the second, Vanishing Vision.

Vanishing Vision is not under Xtasy. It was Sony. After recognizing X's talents, many major labels went after X. Yoshiki refused all offers because the labels had refused them first. It was Sony who had the most patience and begged X to join them. Maybe Yoshiki can't stand Sony so he agreed to join them.

Success follows. Every concert was a sold-out. They were so popular they got to perform the countdown concert at Tokyo Dome. These concerts were usually saved for foreign stars or J-pop people. X was the first band to ever perform there. It is a real honour.

After their 1991 concert, Taiji leaves the band. Many auditions were held until they chose Heath. The band continued but I think the bass was not as strong as Taiji's.

1997 was a tragic year. Toshi announces his leave. Without his high yet gentle voice, the band would never be the same. X Japan was forced to disband at the 1997 countdown concert. A concert to put a period to their 10 year legend. Yoshiki was smiling at the end, seemingly to hide his tears.

Yoshiki never really recover from the shock. He moved to his LA home and lead some quiet life there. He gave up drums for it was harming his health. (broken wrists, broken necks etc.) He can only play the piano or produce some J-POP singers or indie bands.

Only when he seemed to recover a little bit, a shock hit him yet again, bringing more wounds. Hide, his next best friend before Toshi left X, was dead. His plans for X's reunion in the year 2000 was shattered. Yoshiki was crying yet he struggles to stand strong at the funeral.

He's been pretty quiet at the J-rock world ever since. Not all things are unhappy. In September 1999, I read on some site Yoshiki got back together with Kudo Shizuka, a J-POP singer he produced... They were dating before a long time ago. His big comeback in music was producing for the popular band Dir en Grey. And, even bigger of a comeback, Yoshiki performed for the emperor of Japan! For remaining his position for 10 whole years... I think...

Left unfinished...

Well not exactly. This is very, very, very recent news. On June 21st, 2000, Yoshiki graces the J-rock world again! Yippee! ^_^ Though I think he no longer performs on his drums *sobs*, he still produces a lot of indie bands! Bands like BEAST. There are American (wow~ sugoi!) and Japanese bands. Under the label Xtasy Japan or Xtasy Records. Look for them in stores if you live in Japan. Support Yoshiki!

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