sound goes here

It is a dark and stormy Friday night. You are not out there partying with the rest of the world because you have no friends or the only people you hang out with are geeks (even though you haven’t figured out how the whole email thing worked yet). Either way, you are alone in your room reading your old comics. And lo and behold, at the bottom of your stack, you come upon a mint copy of the first issue of MOSQUITO-MAN you haven’t even read! Mosquito-Man is the hottest thing out there now since Whollywood has just produced a series of movies based on the comic series of the same name! Every comic collector in the country is going to send offers to you if you plan on selling it! There will also be offers of the trend-savvy celebs too! You will be rich and never have to work again! You wiped your glasses with your shirt in disbelief. As you fantasize about swimming in a pool of money bills, something on the cover of Mosquito-Man caught your eye. It says: “Amazing bonus! Free trial ‘How to Have Your Own Mosquito-Powers!’” You check your other copy of the first issue (you have two because you are obsessed with the series) and cannot find the same offer on the cover no matter how many times you look! The offer seems seducing enough to throw your millionaire dream away and you carefully turned to the first page.

To your horror, you find a mosquito LIVING in your mint copy of the first issue of Mosquito-Man all along!!! It introduces itself as a radioactive mosquito who interchanges as a hero saving the world and a part-time nagging salesman. EXACTLY like the hero of the comic series! It tells you it can give you Mosquito-Powers free because it is a promotional offer from the creator of the comic.


a) gladly accept the opportunity! How often do you get to have superpowers just like your comic book heroes?

b) doubt the suspicious looking mosquito because you aren’t sure if there are any flipsides to the deal. Thank your mom for reading all those bedtime stories (like the one about a monkey’s paw that can grant you wishes) to you when you are a kid. You show a look of not being very impressed and suspicious.

c) run out of the room screaming at the sight of a mosquito living in your sealed comic book until you find yourself having crashed into your poor mother who couldn’t sleep and was only coming back up from the kitchen after deciding to pour herself a glass of milk.