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Club Information

Flight Reports

HG Mag Article

Membership List

Mountain Information

October's Best Fly-In

Photo Album

Other HG Sites


Vistors since 1 Jan 1999


Welcome to Our  Web site!


Please do not use the mountain until further notice. Our lease has not been renewed for use of the mountain. The officers and members are pursuing resolution.

The Club

Sauratown Mountain has been flown since 1981. The Sauratown Mountain Hang Gliding Club was formed in December of 1987 and continues to oversee and regulate all flying activities on the mountain. Current club membership is a mix of approximately 26 Hang Gliding and Paragliding pilots.

For more information see Club Information.

The Mountain

Sauratown mountain is located 20 miles north of Winston-Salem in North Carolina. The SMHGC regulates all hang gliding activities at two launch locations on the mountain's top. As with numerous other flying sites, Sauratown is a radio and television transmitting facility and is easily recognizable by its two 700' towers.

For more information see Mountain Information.

Welcome Paragliders !!!!

Sauratown Mountain Hang Gliding Club has created a new launch that will allow paragliders to launch. Come on out a give it a try!!!

October's Best Fly-In

Last year was a great year for the Fly-In. Here are the details for October's Best Fly-In 4-6 Oct 2002.

For more information see October's Best Fly-In.


Click for Germanton, North Carolina Forecast

Mail List Server

We are part of the Yahoo Groups. To sign up go to and sign up as a new user. Our list name is smhgc. Now when we are sending email back and forth, you can be a part of the action.

Here is the mail list address

Recent Updates

15 Sep 02 - Added information on October's Best Fly-In

14 Sep 02 -



This page was last updated on 10/09/02.

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