Main.gif (2675 bytes)

Nothing has actually changes this week but I have changed the menu bar on the left ... something to do with changing jobs and wanting to do some work on the site, anyway the bar on the left is the first stage in making this site look better .. have better content and for it to be easier to manage, thanks all and let me know what you think.

I am gona try and be a bit more serious with this web site in the new year so I am going to try and drop the long winded and hard to remember geocites address and use the far more friendly Which I'm sure you are going to agree is a lot easier to remember

The main reason that I have worked so hard on these pages is the encouragement that the Guest Book has given me,please take a little time to read and sign the Guest book,a little encouragement goes a long way

For any suggestions for this page e-mail me at

Last Updated 08 Jan 2001