Sea Kayak Web Ring
Membership Guidelines

An explaination of eligibility for membership in
the Sea Kayak Web Ring.

To be part of this ring, your site,(the URL you supply) must contain a majority of subject matter directly relating to sea and cruising kayaking.

I have on a couple of occasions had to deny membership in the ring due to a web site being submitted that had very little or nothing to do with sea, touring or cruising kayaks.

It is not my intention to offer a definition of a sea kayak, I do intend to suggest why I may refuse membership in this ring to certain web sites. If you have a kayak web site and own, build, sell, rent, produce accessories for or in any way cater to, kayaks designed for use in open water long distance paddling, whether it be a SOT or closed deck, then you have a web site eligible for membership in the Sea Kayak Web Ring.

If you have any questions concerning your web site meeting these
guidelines please e-mail the Ringmaster before submitting your site.

Continue on to membership submission form.

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