Here they are: Whether You Like it or Not: The collector's edition collection of Third Opinion — a column by Nick Pittman: writer, philosopher, fake gubernatorial candidate, squirrel hunting advocate and hack-at-large.

Cat Scratch Fever

Spotty Leadership

Fighting for Peace

Vive La Freedomania!

The Birth of 'Laff Town'

Vote Pittman!

On the Lookout

The Ones That Should've Been

Bunny Bread, Anyone?

Thanks, Lili!

Old Testament Traffic

Kidnapping the Headlines

Missing Out — the one that started it all. Never available in cyberspace until now!

THE resurrection: So they started me back up again, but i don't feel like doing much, unless properly provoked. I wrote this one about how our twon doesn't support our college football team (the school is a major Lafayette artery) but we go nuts for LSU. People went nuts. Called me crazy. Idiot. Sufferer of penis envy. Threatened my life. It drew 4,400 hits on our site and about 200 emails. Here it is ... 337 or 225?

Here's what they say about me:(these are mainly from the STM column, one day I will aadd LSU comments)

"I have to say you have balls ... Every point in the article has hit the nail right on the head. "  "Your article was off-the-hook. I laughed my ass off."
"Thank you."  "I won't be reading any more!"
"I, an STM student, would like to inform you that your biased views toward Saint Thomas More are extremely judgmental and wrong." "But then I DID hear 'The Times' is soon to get some competition. Guess most of the unhappy folks who read your column will be reading something else real soon.LOL!"
"I heard that Jack Nicholson is holding an anger management group session for private school bashers. Maybe you'd like to attend ..." "My God, you are a hateful bigot ..."
"You obviously thought it was "too damn inconvenient" to check your facts before writing your article.  The truth be told who hasn't been tempted to park in a handicap parking space when there are eight that are not being used?  ... I would also suggest the overzealousness of the police who think like you ... 'I'll get those rich kids.' "