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Counter Peter Gray + <b> <br>Comics<p> What a guy!! of the UK's best comic artist he is amazing.....he drew so many top strips and stories for D C Thomson throughout. Desperate Dan 1937-1969, cover stars of Beezer Ginger, Topper cover Mickey the Monkey, Lord Snooty 1938-late 60's, Our Gang and many others...also great cartoon drawings for Danny long legs, Jimmy and his magic patch, Tom Thumb..etc.. Also drew from the beginning Oor Wullie 1935-69 and The Broons 1935-69......he loved drawing!! He was the only artist other than Allan Morley to sign his work in UK comics. This was because of his loyality to D C Thomson.

He also drew christian picture stories and always desired to draw The Bible in picture form. Sadly he died before he could do this in 1969...he died at his desk in the middle of drawing Desperate Dan. It is like a comedian dying on stage. A strange way to die But very apt....cheers to Dudley D Watkins.

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