Peter Gray's comic strips Cowkid and Sealia!
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I am a working free-lance cartoonist.
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I started Sealia with these first strips in June 1990!
I've always been pleased with the names in my strips- Sealia for a seal it is very strong!....Also like the name Dado (I call my Dad this!!) and Boyo is a real naughty boy name...Snowsam is as close as I can get to Snowman....
My favourite animal is penguins...though also like giraffes!!
Sealia on her piece of ice acting like a car is a device like Snoopy's doghouse as a plane!...
The backgrounds being snowy are easy on the eye...
I like designing crazy phones...Sealia phone head set looks like earmuffs!!....Peter Gray

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The characters of Sealia

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