Jennifer Just
Certified School Counselor
Private Guidance & College Counseling
Cape Cod & Southeastern Massachusetts

Why you need a private counselor
There is no question that post-secondary planning is a family affair.  This stressful time affects your teenager as well as everyone else in your home.  Allow me to assist your family as you embark upon this exciting journey.

A counselor-to-student ratio of 1:250 is recommended by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA).  Perhaps your child's counselor has 300 or more students on his or her caseload.  Is your family receiving adequate assistance with the college process?

Does your schedule prevent you from accessing services in your child's school during school hours?  Are you unsure how to get the process going?  My comprehensive services will assist you and your family in selecting appropriate colleges, exploring possible career opportunities, completing applications and essays, and mastering some tricks of the trade.  I will assist your child in designing an individualized plan that meets his or her needs and goals.

My credentials
I received my BA from Franklin & Marshall College and my MA in Counseling Psychology from Boston College.  I am working on my CAGS in Educational Leadership.  I am currently a public high school counselor with experience working with a diverse population of students including vocational students and students with disabilities.  I am a  recent past president of the Cape & Islands Guidance Association.  Additionally, I am a governing board member of the Massachusetts School Counselors Assocation and a member of Phi Delta Kappa.

College Board: register for SATs, search for colleges and majors

Fastweb: online scholarship search

Massachusetts Career Information System: learn about careers and related college programs

What private counseling will cost
I believe that private college planning should be affordable and available to everyone.  I offer an hourly rate for students wishing to engage in short term work, as well as comprehensive service packages for those who plan to work together for longer periods of time. If you would like more information, please contact me by e-mail me at or by telephone at 508-420-8132.

When and where I am available for private counseling

I am available evenings and weekends in my Centerville residence, or I can arrange to come to your home or a meeting place of choice (including libraries, coffee shops, etc.  It is expected that a parent or guardian will remain on site while I am working with a student.
I look forward to working with you!