~Untitled III~ By: Michelle
Insanity is my saviour
Give me more pain
I'll take every slash
I'll never cry out
Even when you burn
With raging intensity
Under your torture
I will not stir
When you speak those words
Words which are soul destroying
And even when your breath of hatred
Sails over your lips and laughs in my face
I bite my tongue
Until it bleeds
And my own warm blood
Spills over my dead lips giving life
So that I can speak my own revenge
Tears may run from my eyes
And split into streams
That meander around my blank pale expression
Do you ever feel pain the way I do?
You give but do you ever take?
Have you ever been strong enough to take?
When you look down on me
With eyes that burn right through me
I'll look straight back at you
With an equally fiery glare
You hurt me
You burn me
But I still do not weaken
And not admitting failure
Your anger rises
And your tongue speaks words
That would surely break the strongest soul
Hate that is truly more raging
Spills out into the air and flies around my head
To drive me mad
But I will still love
Love only exists in the hearts of those who feel pain
The strongest love exists
In the hearts of those who do not allow themselves
To be crushed and beaten
Those who are oblivious to the cold truth
Are weak
You don't want to believe
So you will fail