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PSX Zone Cheats "H"

Game List
Hard Boiled
Hard Edge: The Disaster Adventure
Heart of Darkness
Heaven's Gate
Hello Kitty's Cub Frenzy
Hercs Adventure
Hermie HopperHead
Hot Shot Golf
Hot Shots Golf 2
Hot Wheels Turbo Racing

Hard Boiled
Fight End-Boss 

To fight an end-boss, enable Select Level code. Then hold the appropriate 
key at the Loading screen.

Boss               Key

Level 2 End-Boss   L1

Level 5 End-Boss   R1

Select Level 

To select a level, hold Up + X + Start at the opening credits. Then 
select Load Game. 

Hard Edge: The Disaster Adventure
Additional Costumes

For additional costumes, beat the game using the same character. 
With each completion, save the game and continue, loading the 
saved character data. Press Select at the character selection 
screen and select ARMS to access a new wardrobe.

(Note: The first completion unlocks costumes, a sound test and 16 
songs. The second and third completions add more outfits along
and 8 songs each.) 

Heart of Darkness
Cheat Menu 

To access the cheat menu which unlocks all levels and FMV sequences, 
turn unit off. Hold down shoulder buttons (L1 + L2 + R1 + R2) on 
controller 2 and turn unit on. With the buttons held, enter the Options 
screen and select the Load Game option. 

Heaven's Gate
Fight as Geezer 

To play as the Devil boss, Geezer, beat the game with an angelic 
character at Normal (or higher) difficulty.

Fight as Kurara 

To play as Kurara, first select an Arcade mode game. Then, at the 
character selection screen, highlight Nanase and press: Select, Up, 
Down (x2), L1 + L2, Start. (A flashing screen confirms correct entry.) 
Thereafter, highlight Nanase and press Start.

Fight as Kyohya 

To play as Kyohya, Kurara must be a playable character. Select a Vs. 
mode game. At the character selection screen, highlight Verny and 
press: Select, Left, Right, Up, Down, R1 + R2, Start. (If entered 
correctly, Kyohya will appear next to Verny.) 

Fight as Unknown 

To play as the Angel boss, Unknown
, beat the game with a demonic character at Normal (or higher) difficulty. 

Hello Kitty's Cub Frenzy
Bonus Options 

At the push start screen, push UP UP Down Down Left Right Left Right 
Down Up and it will make a ringing sound. Push start and go to main screen, 
you will see a box with a question mark on it. Select it, it contains the bonus options 

Hercs Adventure

Defeating the Caledonian Boar 

If you are so inclined to venture off the big ledge to find a hunter 
listening for the big boar, you'll have to stock up on spears to help 
him out. You'll also find those boar traps come in handy. Pick up the 
boar traps and proceed directly south through the small tunnel in 
the bushes. Then go west a couple of paces until you run into the 
spear salesman. If you have money, he'll sell you spears, and you 
better get them now, before the boar finds him. After you've 
stocked up on spears(if you're lucky enough to have avoided the 
big boar), move back into the main area where you first saw the 
hunter and get ready. The Caledonian Boar will neatly burn passageways 
in the hedges that make nifty little mazes to go round-and-round. This 
makes it really easy to lay traps and stand in a convenient place to 
throw spears at the boar when he's busy spitting fire. Keep this up 
and he'll soon go out in a blaze of glory with a defeated cry. If you're 
ambitious and running low on health, there's a heart that will restore 
your health in a blocked area just northwest of the main landing where 
you first saw the hunter. Run up to that area, hoping the boar will 
follow and get him in a position to burn an opening into the ledge. Once 
he's done that and moved on to another area, pic up the heart and use 
it if you need to. 

Faster, Faster 

Some boats go faster if you can get the workers to pick up their pace. 
The best way to get them to row at a faster speed is to get the 
pacemaker to let you help. Just get right in there and hit the drum, the 
faster you hit the drum, the faster they row and the quicker you get to 
your anticipated location! With Atlanta, just hit the drum with your bow 
and arrow. With Herc, use your club. With Jason, use your basic attack. 

How to Find Save Game Scribes 

To save a game you must find a scribe who will record your journey for 
a drachma or two. Here's how to find the first scribe: After you battle 
the skeletons and find yourself swimming in a pool of water at the 
bottom of a waterfall, proceed directly south from that waterfall. You'll 
have to navigate past some pesky Hags and a dilapidated, overturned 
boat, but there's a scribe hiding out just past a ledge you'll find. Jump 
down off the ledge, get rid of the skeleton henchmen and save your 
game because you're about to fight the Caledonian Boar! 

Level One Walkthrough 

After starting your adventure and defeating one Cyclops, you'll 
immediately notice another annoying giant perched on the ledge as 
you round the corner. If you're playing Herc or Jason, you'll find, 
much to your dismay, that spears and special attacks don't reach 
up where the Cyclops is standing. If you're playing Atlanta, you're at 
a particular advantage with her arrow-barrage. Hold down the attack 
button, place the crosshairs over the Cyclops and let it go. After 
four special attacks, the Cyclops will no longer remain standing! 

This particular enemy (as with many others throughout the game), 
once defeated, offers a special reward that can be collected at the 
nearest Bonus Pedestal. Once you've defeated the enemies in this 
area, you'll come across a gate. Once through that gate, you'll see 
the first Bonus Pedestal in the game, and if you have defeated that 
Cyclops, you will see one drachma bonus waiting to be taken. 

Unlimited Gyros 

When you're in CRETE you'll find one gyro. Pick it up, go down the 
walkway until the music changes, then return and take another. 
Keep doing this until your stock is full. 

Level Passwords 

HERO'S GAUNTLET -- serpent, medusa, coin, medusa 
CENTAUR'S FOREST -- centaur, hercule's silhouette, minotaur, archer 
THE BIG OLIVE -- centaur, coin, serpent, hercule's silhouette 
HYDRA CANYON -- coin, gladiator helmet, coin, soldier 
MEDUSA'S LAIR -- archer, pegasus, archer, centaur 
CYCLOP'S ATTACK -- gladiator helmet, pegasus, hercule's silhouette, archer 
TITAN FLIGHT -- soldier, coin, coin, thunder bolt 
PASSAGEWAY OF ETERNAL TORMENT -- medusa, soldier, centaur, pegasus 
VORTEX OF SOULS/Final Boss -- soldier, lightning bolt, soldier, centaur 
END MOVIE -- pegasus, soldier, centaur, soldier 

Hermie HopperHead
Debug Mode 

At the "New Game/Load Game" screen, hold Triangle + Square + X and 
start a New Game. While playing the game press and hold Select and press Start 

Loads of Stars will fall 

Use the Stars to Level-Up your Egg buddies until they are full grown 
or stock up on lives 

Hold Select and press Start to clear the stage 

If you hold down Square while on the Map Screen, Hermie will run 
across the map 

Cheat Menu 

From the main game menu, go to the Options screen, and then go to 
Pad Config. When in the Pad Config menu press and hold R2 and press 
Right, Down, Right, Triangle, X. If done correctly, you will hear a tone. 
Return to the main menu and you should find a new option called 
"CHEATS." Start a new game, pause, and choose CHEATS. You can 
now access All Weapons, and other cool cheats. 

Easy bell ring 

Instead of walking up all those steps to get to the bell in the 1st level 
all you have to do is stand directly under the bell at the bottom of the 
stairs and fire the arc of death. 


2:  IV73     11: U6Q3
3:  AMQ3     12: 2QJ3
4:  NGH3     13: KLS3
5:  ZN03     14: 2XS3
6:  WVQ3     15: 81H3
7:  HC13     16: 8HU3
8:  1EZ3     17: J5V3
9:  UVM3     18: VIH3
10: TZ93

Hot Shots Golf

All Golfers and Courses 

To unlock all of golfers and courses:

Turn off PlayStation. 

Remove memory cards. 

Turn unit on, and hold the shoulder buttons on controller 2 (L1 + L2 + 
R1 + R2) before the ŕHotShots Golfu logo appears. 

As the logo bounces into the foreground, quickly press: Up (2), Down, 
Up, Left, Right (2), Left, Up (2), Down, Up, Left, Right (2), Left while 
still holding the shoulder buttons. 

(Note: The tee shot sound effect confirms correct entry.) 

Mirror Courses 

Highlight a course at the course selection screen, then hold L1 + L2 and press X. 

New Course 

If you get 50 points or more it will enable you to have a second course 
that you can choose. You can get points in almost any mode you play. 

Sound Test 

While playing with 2 or more players press the four "Shape" buttons on
the other controller and you will hear the game's sound, one for each button.

Switch Hitting 

When choosing a golfer, press L1 + R1 + X while choosing a golfer. This will 
change the golfer to opposite hand. 

Hot Shots Golf 2
no codes right now,sorry

Hot Wheels Turbo Racing

Cheat Codes 

Enter these codes at the main menu, an engine reving will confirm 
correct code entry. You can only enter one code at a time and you 
will have to re-enter codes for each race:

Always have turbo -- R2, L1, Square, Triangle, R1, L2, L1, R2

No textures on cars -- L1, R1, L2, R2,L1, R1, L2, R2

Tiny Cars -- Square, R2, L2, Triangle, Triangle, L2, R2, Square

Big Tires -- Square, Triangle, Square, Triangle, R1, R1 L2, L2

"dude" Sounds --R2, R1, L2, R2, Square, Triangle, L1, R1 

Secret Cars 

The secret cars listed below may only be played by the first player. 
These codes must be entered before you race where it says to sign 
in at car select area. All letters should be upper case.

Sol-Aire CX4..or8b4ork8r

Formula 5000..4wdg84wpds

Hotwheels 500..yLkMffovnp

Slide out.....om46domf4f
_9lndm_ _cc

Super van.....op482oph6b

The rest of these cars are only for the second player. 

Stage Fright..o_jLdo_TJT

Sol-Aire CX4..or8b4ork8r

Slide Out.....owdg8owpdJ

Unlock the Twinmill 2 


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