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PSX Zone Cheats "O"

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OddWorld Abe's Exoddus
OddWorld Abeos Oddysee
Official Playstation Magazine Vol.15
Orge Battle
Omega Boost
One on One

OddWorld Abe's Exoddus
FMV Sequences 

At the menu when Abe says "AYYYBHHOOOOO," hold R1 and press Up, 
Down, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Triangle, Circle, Square, Circle, Up, 
Down, Left, Right. 

Find Hidden Mudokons 

Missing a few mudokons?Try and pay close attention for soulstorm brew 
bottles that are laying about. Each bottle marks a secret area that you 
must look for in order to successfully save all 300 mudokons. 


To make Abe invincible while playing, press and hold R1 and press Circle, 
Triangle, Square, X, Down, Down, Down, Circle, Triangle, Square, X. This 
makes Abe invincible against all enemies, though if you fall/jump from a 
high ledge you will die. Just slap a Slig and see if you did it right. There 
is no confirmation sound. 

Level Select 

To get to go to any level you want put in this password after Abe says, 
"hello" at the title screen: up, down, left, right, triangle, square, circle, 
triangle, square, circle, up, down, left, right. Then just pick a level. 

Level Skip 

During the game hold R1 and press Circle, Circle, X, X, Square, Square.

This cheat will take you to the next significant portion of the game 
(almost the next path). You can use the cheat as often as you like to 
get past difficult areas of the game.

WARNING: Using this cheat will result in a less than ideal number of 
saved Mudokons and increase the number of killed Mudokons as a 
penalty for cheating, so use it wisely! 

OddWorld Abeos Oddysee
Green Gas Fart 

While playing the game hold R1 then press Up, Left,Right, Square, Circle, 
X. Make sure you're wearing your gas mask! 

Level Select 

At the main menu,hold R1 and press Down, Right, Left, Right, Square, 
Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Right, Left. 

Movie Select 

At the main menu, hold R1 and press Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, 
Triangle, Square, Right, Left, Up, Right

Play Tip 

When you are playing the, listen for scrubbing sounds. If you hear one, 
you are probably close to a screen that has a mudokon in it. Note: This 
is also useful for finding secret screens. 

Speak in Tongues 

At any time without pausing the game press and hold R1, and press 
Triangle, Up, Circle, Left, X, Down, Square, Right. You will now be able 
to solve any voice puzzle with any single sound! 

50 Lives 
Pause the game and enter: Triangle, Up, Circle, Right, Select, Square 

Disable Enemy Health 

Pause the game and enter: Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle, Circle 

Extra Lives 

Pause the game and press Up, Circle, Right, Select, Square. 

Full Ammo 

Pause the game and press Left, Right, Up, Down, Circle + Square 
and you will get full ammo for all four weapons. 

Full Experience 

Pause the game and enter:CIRCLE,TRIANGLE,L1,L2,R1,SELECT 

Full Health 

Pause the game and then press Left, Right, Left, Right + Square 
and your health will be restored. 

Full Mana 

Pause the game and press Left, Right, Left, Right + Circle and you 
will have full mana to cast spells. 

Play as Karma 

At the main menu, press R1, R2, L2, L1. 

Play as Sophia 

At the main menu, press L1, L2, R2, R1. 

Upgrade Abilities 

Pause the game and enter:Square, Circle, Triangle,Select, Left 

Upgrade magic 

Pause the game and enter: R1,L1,R2,L2,LEFT,RIGHT,UP,DOWN

Upgrade weapon 

Pause the game and enter R1,L1,R2,L2,LEFT,RIGHT,UP,DOWN 

Official Playstation Magazine Vol.15
don't have codes yet,sorry

Orge Battle

Beating Levels Quickly 

The first thing you must do is to build a unit with all of your strongest 
people. There are no limitations to this unit except that it has to have 
one of those eagle dudes so it can move really fast. At the beginning 
of each level, have all of your units except for the unit you just made 
take the quickest route directly to the boss's castle. Forget about 
liberating cities and temples. The unit you just built you should move 
to the boss's castle too, but it should take a different, longer route 
as it will be travelling faster.

The bad guys will be so occupied with your big army marching straight 
toward your castle that it will not notice one little unit wandering 
around the back. After you beat the level, go back and liberate all 
the towns you missed. 

Bonus Fight 

For a bonus fight against a huge enemy force, start a new game 
and enter your name as FIRESEAL. 

Fast Money 

After you kill all of the bosses units liberate every town. After you 
liberate them make one of your units go in big circles. This will waste 
time but each day that passes you'll get a load of money. 

Faster Gameplay 

For a faster game, start a new game and enter your name as GOTOHELL. 

Music Test 

To play any of this killer game's tunes, start a new game and enter your 
name as MUSIC/ON. 

Omega Boost

Toggle Load Time Effect 

While the game's brief loading occurs, there is a cool graphical effect 
that sucks in the red squares. Using either the directional pad or the 
analog stick, you can control the direction of where it's being sucked. 

All Weapons 

To use any of the One's impressive aresenal of weapons, enter the 
password "Maxpower". 

Debug Mode 

To access the Debug Mode, first enter the password HEYBUDDY in at the 
password screen. A new menu will pop up allowing you to select any 
stage, any area, turn invincibility on or off, and enable all weapons.

Level Select 

To start on any level, enter the password "Hevyfeet".

No "Pause" 

Go to the password screen and type in "thepress". Now, while playing 
push pause. The "PAUSE" text that usally appears won't be there 
anymore! It's used for taking screen shots. 


Level  Password


One on One

Open Omake Mode 

Beat the game with a character and you will get three pictures of him/her. 
One is the one that shows during the ending and two are sketches of 
that character. 

Play as King 

Beat the game with all characters, including Mash and Oscar. 

Play as Mash 

Beat the game with any character while meeting Mash and you will 
be able to play as him. 

Play as Oscar 

Beat the game with any character while meeting Oscar and you will be 
able to play as him. 

don't have code yet,sorry



Level  Password

1-2 Ship, Skull, Fish, Anchor, Ship, Anchor
1-3 Ship, Anchor, Skull, Ship, Anchor, Fish
1-4 Skull, Ship, Fish, Anchor, Anchor, Ship
2-1 Fish, Fish, Anchor, Ship, Skull, Anchor
2-2 Skull, Anchor, Anchor, Fish, Anchor, Ship
2-3 Fish, Anchor, Ship, Ship, Ship, Skull
2-4 Anchor, Fish, Ship, Skull, Skull, Fish
3-1 Ship, Skull, Skull, Fish, Anchor, Skull
3-2 Fish, Skull, Anchor, Fish, Skull, Fish
3-3 Fish, Fish, Ship, Skull, Fish, Ship
3-4 Ship, Anchor, Ship, Fish, Anchor, Fish
4-1 Skull, Skull, Anchor, Ship, Fish, Fish
4-2 Ship, Anchor, Skull, Fish, Fish, Anchor
4-3 Skull, Ship, Skull, Skull, Fish, Ship
4-4 Ship, Fish, Ship, Fish, Ship, Anchors
5-1 Anchor, Ship, Fish, Skull, Fish Ship
5-2 Fish, Ship, Anchor, Skull, Ship, Fish
5-3 Ship, Fish, Skull, Anchor, Anchor, Skull
5-4 Skull, Ship, Anchor, Fish, Ship, Skull


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