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PSX Zone Cheats "Q"

Game List
Quake 2

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Quake 2
Bronze Cheats 

To achieve the Bronze Cheats, you must end the game in the easy 
difficulty This will open two options for multiplayer mode: Weapons 
Stay and One hit kill.

NOTE: Remember to save the cheats on your memory card 

Gold Cheat 

To get gold you must beat the game on hard. Winning gold will give you
infinte ammo, all weapons and all the rest of the multiplayer codes you 
recieve when you win silver and bronze. 

Silver Cheat 

To enable Silver Cheat, finish the game in MEDIUM difficulty. This will 
open 2 more bars in multiplayer mode : Game Speed and Blast Force. 
Plus it will unlock the multiplayer cheats you get for winning bronze.

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