Welcome to my home Page
Hi. I'm Patrick. For those of you that don't know, I've been taking photos of various Toronto Bicycling Network activities for the past few of years. I've been struggling with size limits on some free photo hosting sites, but it looks like Rogers/Yahoo has unlimited storage of high quality photos on flickr, so I'll be consolidating my photos here once I get some time. In the meanwhile, here's some links to the Webshots sites as well as the Flickr site
Photos on Yahoo
Photos on Webshots 1
Photos on Webshots 2
*** 2008-06-02 Recent Additions/Updates/Activities ***
Cyclon 2009 Cyclon 2008 Ride for Heart 2008 Country Cruises Skiing
Ice Skating 2007 Cyclon 2007 Ride for Heart 2007 Ice Skating
20090804Added photos from Cyclon 2009
20080806Here is a link to Albert Ng's photos from Cyclon 2008
20080804Added photos from Cyclon 2008
20080602Added link to Ride for Heart and Country Cruise photos
20080210Updated Skiing and Snowshoe link
20071225Added link to Ice Skate photos
20070920Updated webpage after yahoo photos moved to Flickr
20070807Added photos from Cyclon 2007
20070603Added photos from the Ride for Heart
20070225Added photos from Mansfield Ski trip and Cedarena ice skating
20061119Added some citywalk photos
20061224Added photos from the Gage Park Ice Skating roadtrip and party
20061119Added some citywalk photos
20061206Uploaded photos from the TBN Festivus Dinner Dance
20061119Added some citywalk photos
20061030 Added Citywalk photos and photos from Ron's Halloween party
20060817Added photos of the TBN picnic. Most photos courtesy of Jen Baldwin
20060812Added photos Cyclon photos with contributions from Frank as well as Cynthia
20060501Added a couple of Country Cruise photos
20060608Added photos from the Ride for Heart. Some photos courtesy of Marc Smith
20060501Added a couple of Country Cruise photos
20060122Added cross country skiing photos
20051205Added some photos from the TBN Holiday Dinner Dance. There's also some new photos in the citywalk album from the bonfire walk
20051030There's some new photos from the 2005 City Walks
20050802I've added some photos from Cyclon 2005
20050508Ania Poradzisz asked me to post some of her photos. Some inline photos have also been added (courtesy of Mike Lin)
Here's an official TBN photo site that's recently been developed
Michael Tang has put together an awesome slideshow of cyclon that's available for viewing on photodex. It might only playback on Windows and it's a large download, but it's worth it!
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