Rise of Democratic Ideas  

Assignment One: Text pp. 2-7 to “Greek Philosophers." Respond to the following in your notebooks.

  1. “Power and Authority” theme: define the concept “authoritarian” government.
  2. “Cultural Interaction” theme: what is one obvious reason a course like this (Western Civilization) begins with the Greeks and Romans?
  3. Briefly define the following:

·         Democracy

·         City-state

·         Aristocracy

·         Citizen of Athens

·         Solon’s classes of citizenship

·         Cleithenes Council of Five Hundred

·         Perciles extends democracy

·         Direct democracy

      4.  What seems to be a sad, ironic conclusion of Greek history?

Assignment Two: Read “The Democratic Experiment” by Paul Cartledge (Professor of Greek History, University of Cambridge) at the following website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/greeks/greekdemocracy_01.shtml and write responses to the following questions:

1.      What debate do historians have over the original meaning of the term “democracy”?

2.      What are three key differences between Athenian and modern democracies?

3.      What other areas of Athenian life were “politicized?”  Is this different from American society?

4.      What do you think about the practice of ostracism?


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