Club Events
Upcoming Activities
The Penn-Mar Radio came up with an Idea of  putting together a float for the 2006 Hanover Halloween Parade . It will be discussed further  in the January business meeting .
Radio Installation
Penn-Mar Radio Club will be installing the Hanover Hospitals newly acquired radio equipment and antennas .At this time ,The hospital is getting bids from contractors to install the cables and the radio club will have the responsibility of installing the radio equipment as well as terminating the cables, putting up the antennas and test and turn-up. This may happen somtime in the middle of  December . If anyone is interested in help out with the task, contact Rudy Mullar N3TQW at , ,or by phone.
Penn-Mar Radio Club will be conducting a demonstration on the some of the Digital Modes that are being used by operators today such as Slow Scan Television (SSTV) ,Radio Teletype (RTTY) , Phase Shift Keying 31 (PSK31) etc. Just using a computor with a soundcard with a simple inexpensive interface  and the software that is available for free to the public. The demonstation will be held Thursday Febuary 2 ,2006 @ 7:30 pm . Also anyone who is interested in building an interface for thier radio ,there will be a project night  as well .